Schema update and Schema shrink using SQL command


We are using an Azure pipeline to deploy our packages using Intragen.

Currently we are using change labels to do the changes in our system.

For a change I am currently working on we need to extend the length of an attribute, I used the following SQL code for this:




EXEC QBM_PColumnSchemaDataTypeCorr 'CCC'

Now also need to update and shrink the OneIdentity Schema in our synchronization project (Generic LDAP Connector).

Is there an SQL command to do the schema update, shink and commit the changes so we can use this in our pipeline?

Thanks a lot!

Kind Regards,

Patrick Schaffer

  • Hi,

    I am not aware of any SQL command to do that, sorry. Would a CLI help? If I remember correctly, SynchronizationEditor.CLI.exe can do a schema update. Maybe that can be included in your pipeline?



  • Hi Sebastian,

    Thanks for your reply. I know the CLI can do the Schema update. Unfortunately we also need to shrink the schema afterwards, but as far as I can see there is no option for that using the CLI.

  • You could write dummy DPRShellPatches (there are instructions in the MDK how that works) since they have the option to require fresh schemata. You can apply patches via the CLI, but I don't know if it'd shrink schema and save afterwards. I would assume it does?

  • I've checked in 9.2 and the CLI allows you to specify if the schema should be shrunk ( -C ) and if the synchronization project should be activated ( -A ) if you do a schema update.

    Synchronization Editor Command Line Interface V9.2.0.0
    c 2023 One Identity LLC. All rights reserved.


      SynchronizationEditor.CLI.exe <Command> {<Options>} {<Parameter>}

      SynchronizationEditor.CLI.exe (--CreateShell) {-(V|?|H)} [/Workspace=<Definition.xml>] {/SetParam <Name=Value>}


      SynchronizationEditor.CLI.exe --CreateShell -S /Workspace ActiveDirectory.sews

      SynchronizationEditor.CLI.exe --CreateShell -S /Workspace ActiveDirectory.sews /SetParam UserName=<username> /SetParam Password=<password>


      -A (Case sensitive)  Activates the synchronization project subsequently.
                           Used by commands: UpdateSchema

      -n                   Defines whether the CLI should operate non-interactively. That means parameter queries will fail.

      -q                   Do not ask for confirmation of irreversible actions.

      -r                   Defines whether the target system connection should be remoted using the remote access parameter provided in the sews-file.

      -s                   Save results to database.

      -?|h                 Displays this help.

      -C (Case sensitive)  Shrinks schemas subsequently.
                           Used by commands: UpdateSchema

      -v                   Verbose mode.

  • Hi Markus,

    Unfortunately we are using the 9.0 version.

    Synchronization Editor Command Line Interface V9.0.0.0