Error in Upgrading the database



We are currently upgrading our production system from version 8.2.1 to 9.0v. During the schema installation, we encountered an error. Despite performing all necessary checks prior to the upgrade and attempting the process multiple times, the error persists. I have reviewed forums discussing the same error, but none of the solutions have worked for me. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Error: An error occurred updating the database. Correct functionality can no longer be guaranteed. To prevent further problems, the database will remain in maintenance mode and internal processing is disabled
Check out the error and a restore a backup of the database.

Processing step 'QBM FinalizeCustomer (wait for post processing customer)' failed.
8 - Wait command failed.
The operation has timed out.

Thank you,


  • Hi Pavithra,

    Although Markus's suggestion to contact support is a good one... Assuming you're upgrading a dev or test environment something you could try is to increase the permissions the users you're upgrading with at a sequel level.

    In the past I've seen similar errors like this (Basically time-outs) due to insufficient permissions. Something you can try is giving your accounts SA permissions on the database (more then you need) to ensure it's not a lack of permission issues.

  • Hi Pavithra,

    Although Markus's suggestion to contact support is a good one... Assuming you're upgrading a dev or test environment something you could try is to increase the permissions the users you're upgrading with at a sequel level.

    In the past I've seen similar errors like this (Basically time-outs) due to insufficient permissions. Something you can try is giving your accounts SA permissions on the database (more then you need) to ensure it's not a lack of permission issues.

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