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Creating delay in custom process (Process Orchestration)

I'm looking to add a delay in a custom process before running (Send mail with account name) to give enough time for Office 365 accounts to be created.

Issue is  users are getting emails about their account being created and configuring their password before all target systems are completed.

I can insert a new process before it, which is blank my thoughts were to add some sort of timer in that process. However I'm not sure the best way to approach this as their might be a better method or solution.


Does anyone have any insight as the best way to approach this?

  • I believe, basically the issue being AD accounts are created users are then sent an email to change their password. Since we have 30K users to sync with 365 Quick Connect takes several hours to run and create the users in the target system. The goal was to add a long delay in that email so the 365 account actually exists before the users resets their password.
  • I believe, basically the issue being AD accounts are created users are then sent an email to change their password. Since we have 30K users to sync with 365 Quick Connect takes several hours to run and create the users in the target system. The goal was to add a long delay in that email so the 365 account actually exists before the users resets their password.
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