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How to approve a pending request via the AppServer API


I am currently working on a project that requires an iOS app to talk to the D1IM API. 

This is working perfectly and I can pull out the information I need and present it in the app.

However I am having trouble on how to approve a pending request via the api. Having looked into this for quite some time some suggestions were to call MakeDecision method on the PersonWantsOrg record.
I have tried calling the MakeDecision method on the specific PersonWantsOrg record. This gives me a MakeDecision method not found. 

Is there a specific script I can call via the API that will approve this pending request? I am quite lost as to where to look next.

Thanks again,



  • Hi Ash,

    I'm currently working in the same. I'm able to call the method MakeDecision using a system user to approve the request. Are you trying using an Employee or a System user? My goal is to approve the request using a Role based Employee, but it gave me the error "You're not allowed to call methods". It only worked using the system user
  • Hi Ash,

    I'm currently working in the same. I'm able to call the method MakeDecision using a system user to approve the request. Are you trying using an Employee or a System user? My goal is to approve the request using a Role based Employee, but it gave me the error "You're not allowed to call methods". It only worked using the system user
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