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Execute plain SQL in script


I have an SQL query that i very complicate and at the end it returns just 1 or 0.

I need to run it into a script and let me return just the number.

I can achieve that? 

I didn't find any object in vb dell to do that.

The sqlcommand need an sqlconnection object and I don't know how to fill it from identity manger.


  • Hi,

    You can get the connection string of the database using:

    ConnectionString = Connection.GetSingleProperty("dialogDatabase", "connectionstring", "")

    Then you could create a connection using:

    Dim conData as ConnectData = DbApp.Instance.Connect(ConnectionString)

    Then take it from there ..... does that help?

    If your database is encrypted you'll have to pass the coonection string in as a parameter that the job service hides and decrypts.

    HTH, Barry.
  • Thanks for the answer but my problem is how to run a custom query (I have the SQL text of that)
    I can't use ISingleDbObject or other object because the query is very structured .
    I need to put my sql text query in and get the result (is just 1 or 0)
  • OK try this code snippet .... put your complicated SQL where the highlighted code is:

    ConnectionString = Connection.GetSingleProperty("dialogDatabase", "connectionstring", "")

                           Dim conData As ConnectData = DbApp.Instance.Connect(ConnectionString)

                           Using conData.Connection

                               Dim cSQL As SqlExecutor = conData.Connection.CreateSqlExecutor(conData.PublicKey)

                               returnValue = CStr(cSQL.SqlExecuteNonQuery(String.Format("update tps_user set tps_deleted = '{0}' where tps_name = '{1}'", "0", dbsUnsAccount.GetValue("AccountName").String)))

                           End Using

                           If returnValue = "1" Then

                           <some code here>

                           End If