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The object has pending M:N provisioning tasks

Sync log says " The object (grp_name) of (LDAPGroup) was ignored during synchronization. Reason: The object has pending M:N provisioning tasks".

In which of table(s) can I find those pending tasks?


  • Markus,

    I monitored each of steps for the group membership deprovisioning and they were exactly happened as described in the section "Synchronizing and Provisioning Memberships" but the membership was not removed in target system (RACF LDAP). I tested the same case in a pure LDAP environment and all worked as expected. I looked into Assignment table and Base table that involved in the process of membership removal and found that there was only an entry for LDAPAccountInLDAPGroup - LDAP with DPRNameSpace "LDAP" in table "DPRNameSpaceHasDialogTable". RACF LDAP namespce is "RACF" so I guess there is no QBMRelation between Assignment table and Base table. Could it cause the problem?

    Should I add a new entry to "DPRNameSpaceHasDialogTable" for DPRNameSpace "RACF"? (I did change RACF to LDAP but received DPRSchema invalid error).

    Please advise how to workaround the issue. Thank you!

  • Markus,

    I monitored each of steps for the group membership deprovisioning and they were exactly happened as described in the section "Synchronizing and Provisioning Memberships" but the membership was not removed in target system (RACF LDAP). I tested the same case in a pure LDAP environment and all worked as expected. I looked into Assignment table and Base table that involved in the process of membership removal and found that there was only an entry for LDAPAccountInLDAPGroup - LDAP with DPRNameSpace "LDAP" in table "DPRNameSpaceHasDialogTable". RACF LDAP namespce is "RACF" so I guess there is no QBMRelation between Assignment table and Base table. Could it cause the problem?

    Should I add a new entry to "DPRNameSpaceHasDialogTable" for DPRNameSpace "RACF"? (I did change RACF to LDAP but received DPRSchema invalid error).

    Please advise how to workaround the issue. Thank you!

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