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Database Connector Synchproject how to handle SQL apostrophe

Hello all,

we all know the issue with  handling String values that includes an Single apostrophe ( ' ).

This issue can be easily solved with escaping the apostrophe (i.e. double-up the single quote character) in your SQL statement.

My issue at that point is that I need to replace the value with an single apostrophe at 2 places, which makes no sense for me.

First, I need to replace it in the database synch project code for inserts and updates and secondly I need to replace it in addition in each attribute mapping for String values within a virtual property.

If one replace is not available, the synch is running into an error.

Is this how it should work, or do I miss something here?

Thanks, Fatih

  • I have taken a look at your screenshot and i am wondering why you are creating SQL code in your scripted property.

    In addition, yes you have to escape the single quote in your ADO.NET Commit script, but where do you have problems in your synch? The connector should read single-quotes without issues.

  • I have taken a look at your screenshot and i am wondering why you are creating SQL code in your scripted property.

    In addition, yes you have to escape the single quote in your ADO.NET Commit script, but where do you have problems in your synch? The connector should read single-quotes without issues.

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