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Upload file node to import PDF - Web designer

Hi Experts,

I need inflormation on the Upload file node. Our requirement is to add the control in the Shopping Cart form so that users can import PDF file from their system and save the file in database.
I was able to create the control referring the link "
But does not have any information how to achieve the requirement, also did not find much in the Web Designer reference Guide.
Let us know if you have any example/inputs that would help us complete the requirement.

Version used D1IM 7.0.1

Sandeep M

  • Hello Sandeep,

    First, documentation for Web Designer node types and properties is available in the D1IM_QER_WebDesignerModel.chm file (or press F1 in Web Designer).

    Your file upload node should look like this:

    -          Set Upload target = “Collection”

    -          Set Collection = <the collection that will contain the uploaded data>

    -          Set Property = <the property that will contain the uploaded data>

    -          In the server action, save the object to the database.



  • Hello Sandeep,

    First, documentation for Web Designer node types and properties is available in the D1IM_QER_WebDesignerModel.chm file (or press F1 in Web Designer).

    Your file upload node should look like this:

    -          Set Upload target = “Collection”

    -          Set Collection = <the collection that will contain the uploaded data>

    -          Set Property = <the property that will contain the uploaded data>

    -          In the server action, save the object to the database.



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