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How to display ADSAccount.displayNamePrintable in Object browser

We are using D1IM Version 6.1.3. If we open the object browser and open an AD user account object in ADSAccount table, we can't see the value for that object in the attribute "displayNamePrintable". If we expand this attribute in the row "New" and "Old" is the following message written:

"Active Directory user accounts: Viewing permission denied for value "Simple display"."

How can I display the value of this attribute in the object browser without using SQL commands?

Thanks for all replies.

  • Did you tried to activate the ConfigParm TargetSystem\ADS\Exchange2000 that should do the trick. Don't forget to compile the database after activating the configuration parameter.

  • Hi,

    you have to set the permission to see this or you have to get the permissions to see this attribute.

    Per default, some DailogGroups have this permission set. Which groups does have, you can see in Designer under Databaseschema -> ADSAAccount->"Edit permissions for Table ADSAccount".

    So if you are using a rolebased authentication you have to be in one of  the VI_4_... - Groups.
    If not, you need a dialoguser which have this permissions.

    I hope this will help you together with documentation:

    Manual : IdentityManagement -> "The Identity Manager Application roles"

    Manual: GettingStarted -> "Authentication Modules"

    Manual Configuration -> ""System Users and permission groups"

    Best regards

  • Hi Markus

    Thanks for your reply. The ConfigParm TargetSystem\ADS\Exchange2000 is activated. The database was compiled some times since setting this flag.

    Best regards,


  • I'm working with a systemuser and are member of more then one of the listed groups who has view right on the column adsaccount.displaynameprintable.

    The only difference of groups how has view rights on the column displayname and displaynameprintable is, that on displayname is one group more then on displaynameprintable: VI_Ressources_UserInterface. All other permissions are on both columns the same.

  • Ok, so please provide the information, why the viewing-permission is denied. In Objectbrowser you see the attribute and you can expand Attribute by clicking on the plus-symbol.
    What is written on the field "canseedisallowedby"?

  • In canseedisallowedby for displaynameprintable is written: Customizer.

    In canseedisallowedby for displayname, where the viewing of the value is working, is written: None.

    Hope this helps.

  • The Customizer is disallowing the viewing of the attribute if "ismailobject = 0" . He opens the viewing only for accounts with ismailobject = 1.

    could you verify?

  • The value for ismailobject is 0 (false). For all imported users from AD is this value 0. The current testuser has a mailbox in Exchange in the forest we importing the AD accounts, but will not managed by D1IM.

    But for us it should be able to see the displaynameprintable values for those users in Object browser.

  • Try the following on the onloaded-script on table person


    maybe this helps

  • not on person! on adsaccount....