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IdM - Source Control

Hello Dell Community - wondering if any of you employ some form of source control when you are compiling your changes to IdM.

Other than setting labels or adding code snippets to identity the changes made, I'm curious to hear if there are any success stories utilizing a central source control location.


  • Hi Sesank,

    that's nothing that is just enabled and configured, since it's not an ootb feature of the product (Dell, are you listening? :-)).

    We have a rather comprehensive implementation that allows this based on customization. A lot of effort has been put into it over the last couple of years. We use it in most of our customer installations with growing popularity. I'm sure other integrators or customers have implemented their own solutions. 



  • Hi Sesank,

    that's nothing that is just enabled and configured, since it's not an ootb feature of the product (Dell, are you listening? :-)).

    We have a rather comprehensive implementation that allows this based on customization. A lot of effort has been put into it over the last couple of years. We use it in most of our customer installations with growing popularity. I'm sure other integrators or customers have implemented their own solutions. 



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