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It shop product request workflow locked at the start

Hi all,

I have an approval workflow for all the product in the Itshop.

The first step of my workflow is a calculated decision with the condition 1=1 for just setting initial processing status to a custom one I created.

But I tried to make a request and from manager I see my request locked in this status, is like the job that processing request is not working maybe because job server is busy in other things.

From job queue info I see a lot of job to be processed but never see the counting goes down

In attachment a screenshot from jobqueue info


  • I suggest waiting for the DBqueue to be empty first then trying the request again. I don't think what you did would cause the request to stall

  • But the dbqueue never get empty is 2 days in the same situation.

    What is the process that is always at the top of the queue and always is reseting (QER-K-PWODecisionRuleMakeProc)?

  • Not sure what that is to be honest, try cancelling any outstanding requests in the system.

  • Hi,

    I have some requests pending made before I change the shop and the approval workflow.

    I see these requests in manager but i can't delete them nor from web cancel them. They are in status Request.

    I tried to delete them from object browser but it says that I do not have the privlige to delete them.

    Should I try from an sql management studio?

  • Try to inspect the dialog journal. Easiest way to do that is to use the journal view from the Job Queue Info tool.

    You will find the complete error message.

    I assume that some of your custom approval prcoedures is malformed so that the system cannot create a correct stored procedure for it.