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Send synchronization editor log with a mail


I have a process with serveral steps.

One of this run Synchronization process with the process task Full projection.

Is possible to have a step after that tha send by email the log of the just finished Synchronization?

Where are stored synchronization editor log files?



  • Hi,

    at your ReportComponent step, set the parameter ParameterName1 to "uidDPRJournal" and the parameter ParameterValue1 to "&OUT(NameOfYourOutParameter)&"

    That should do the trick as you do not have a proper ParameterSet in your case.

  • Hi,

    at your ReportComponent step, set the parameter ParameterName1 to "uidDPRJournal" and the parameter ParameterValue1 to "&OUT(NameOfYourOutParameter)&"

    That should do the trick as you do not have a proper ParameterSet in your case.

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