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Run same synchronization project in a DPRProjection step using different workflows

Hi all,

I have in synchronization editor a project  with 2 workflows.

I run the synchronization in a process step and then I change with an sql query step the workflow attached to it to run the same synchronization with a different workflow.

query to change workflow:

Value = "update DPRProjectionStartInfo set UID_DPRProjectionConfig = (select UID_DPRProjectionConfig from DPRProjectionConfig where DisplayName = 'Workflow 2') where DisplayName = 'SynchProject'"

but when I run the second synchronization I get this error:

ErrorMessages = [2134003] Error executing a full projection!
[1777018] Error executing workflow (SA Import Application Portfolio) of synchronization project (Costa Synchronization).
[1777263] Invalid revision store. The store belongs to another synchronization configuration and cannot be used!

I miss something. Should I update some other table with the workflow to use?

Is not possible to decide programmatically which workflow run in a process step?

  • Forget about the attempt to update the startup configuration during you process execution.

    Create a second startup configuration with your second workflow instead that does not have a schedule assigned.

    In your process chain, have two step that execute the FullProjection. The first one executes startup configuration 1, the other one startup configuration 2.