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can we provision users to linux meachines

can we provision users to linux meachines using dell one identity manager 

  • AFAIK there is no documentation on the UNX-Module yet (i'd be happy if Markus could share something). But it's not that complicated to get it up an running. The Linux machine needs to have a ssh daemon running and you need to have the port number  while configuring the connector. The service user accounts needs to have permissions to create users and Groups on the Linux box (i could imagine that it should be sufficient to have the Service user account in the sudoers-list). And that should be it. Use the synchronization Editor to establish the Connection to your Linux box, read users and Groups and start provisioning them.

  • AFAIK there is no documentation on the UNX-Module yet (i'd be happy if Markus could share something). But it's not that complicated to get it up an running. The Linux machine needs to have a ssh daemon running and you need to have the port number  while configuring the connector. The service user accounts needs to have permissions to create users and Groups on the Linux box (i could imagine that it should be sufficient to have the Service user account in the sudoers-list). And that should be it. Use the synchronization Editor to establish the Connection to your Linux box, read users and Groups and start provisioning them.

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