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7.02 Debug Database Connector (ADO.NET) Sync Project


do somebody know, how to debug the code with visual studio in the synch project for insert updates and deletes?

I was able to load the synch code in Visual Studio 2015 and have it "ready" for debug, but I am missing the step to run it.

Kind regards,


  • Hi Fatih,

    i assume you used the DEBUG button in your Database Connector configuration to create the Visual Studio Project.

    If so, add a breakpoint in your code and start the solution in Visual Studio. The solution will start a new Synchronization Editor instance. Then open the right sync project in that instance and execute your testing operations (insert, update, delete) in the target system browser against the database.

    You will hit the breakpoint and can debug your code.


  • Hello Markus,

    your hint was exactly that was I needed :)

    Much thanks for your help.  I am now able to debug my code.

    Just to complete your description, you need to "flush" the local changes with the given button "Flush local changes"  you have made in the target system browser to run into your debug code.

    Thanks Fatih

  • Yes, you are right. If you are using the ADO.NET Generic Version of the database connector you have to flush the local changes.

    This is not necessary if you want to debug one of the DML scripts of the other database connector types.