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How can i introduce a delay between two processs

Hi ,

i have process on personwantsorg table which triggers when a particular application service item is removed from a user ,it is working fine when one service item is removed but  one of the process is getting failed when more than one service item is removed  for a one user at same time.

Target system cannot handle more than 2 requests for same user at a time. So iwant to introduce a delay between the process. 

  • If your job that is failing is a script component use the Task ScriptExecSingle that would ensure that only one job would execute at the same time on the same Job Queue.

    If it is a projector component use AdHocProjectionSingle.


  • If your job that is failing is a script component use the Task ScriptExecSingle that would ensure that only one job would execute at the same time on the same Job Queue.

    If it is a projector component use AdHocProjectionSingle.


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