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D1IM Webservice - Paging / Limit Resultsize ?

The D1IM Webservice has some nice methods like GetListObjectWithDisplays. It also works fine but is very slow when loading thousands of objects. Is there a possibility of limiting the result size - something like paging? For example load at the first call the first 10 objects and on the second call the next 10 and so further on...? How could I accomplish this..

Thanks for any advice!

  • That function accepts a where clause.  I've not tested this, but I would suspect you could use a WHERE with ROWNUM to limit the results returned.  Of course this assumes the slowness is coming from the marshalling of the data  and not the query itself.

  • That function accepts a where clause.  I've not tested this, but I would suspect you could use a WHERE with ROWNUM to limit the results returned.  Of course this assumes the slowness is coming from the marshalling of the data  and not the query itself.

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