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How to delete a custom table column in dell one identtiymananger 7.0

How  to delete a custom table column in dell one identtiymananger 7.0

  • Hello,

    In Version 7 the removal of a single custom column can be accomplished by a built in stored procedure, available in the database called: QBM_PColumnDrop

    Hope that helps.

    Regards Fatih

  • Hello,

    I'm still on 6 and need to delete a custom column from person.

    Is there a stored procedure for this?

    We plan to move to 7 in the near future.

    I did find vid_DropColumn but cannot find documentation on this.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Lu,

    I have the same problem. Did you find a solutio in version 6?



    Use at your own risk. Start with a backup of your database first, before you try to use these scripts. Once they are used there is no way back without having a backup.

    Having said that, take a look at the attached SQL script that helps you to delete a custom table column in Version 6.

    -- Remove of a custom defined column
    declare @table varchar(200)
    declare @column varchar(200)
    declare @isvidefined bit
    declare @count int
    declare @uid_dialogcolumn char(38)
    declare @cmd varchar(8000)
    -- Define the table and column
    select @table = 'SE_Kundendaten'
    select @column = 'SE_Column2'
    -- Is this a custom column?
    select @isvidefined = isvidefined from dialogcolumn
    							tablename = @table and columnname = @column
    							or not exists (
    								select 1 from dialogcolumn where tablename = @table and columnname = @column
    						order by 1
    if @isvidefined = 1
    	print 'The defined column doesn''t exist or is not a custom column.'
    	goto theend
    -- Find the UID of the column
    select @uid_dialogcolumn = uid_dialogcolumn from dialogcolumn where tablename = @table and columnname = @column
    -- Are there FK relations from this column to other tables?
    select @count = count(*) from dialogtablerelation tr
    				join dialogcolumnrelation cr on tr.relationid = cr.relationid
    				join dialogcolumn c on cr.uid_parentcolumn = c.uid_dialogcolumn
    				where c.uid_dialogcolumn = @uid_dialogcolumn
    if @count > 0
    	print 'The column ' + @column + ' in the table ' + @table + ' can not be deleted because there are fk relations from other tables to this column:'
    	print ''
    	select c2.tablename, c2.columnname from dialogtablerelation tr
    	join dialogcolumnrelation cr on tr.relationid = cr.relationid
    	join dialogcolumn c1 on cr.uid_parentcolumn = c1.uid_dialogcolumn
    	join dialogcolumn c2 on cr.uid_childcolumn = c2.uid_dialogcolumn
    	where c1.uid_dialogcolumn = @uid_dialogcolumn
    	print ''
    	print 'Please remove these columns 1st before you can delete the column ' + @column + ' in the table ' + @table + '.'
    	goto theend
    -- Is this the last column of the table?
    select @count = count(*) from dialogcolumn where tablename = @table
    if @count = 1
    	print 'The column ' + @column + ' in the table ' + @table + ' can not be deleted because this is the last column in this table.'
    	goto theend
    -- Repeat for every dataset which depends on this DialogColumn and deletion
    declare step_tablerelation scroll cursor for
    	select 'delete from ' + tr.childtable + ' where ' + c.columnname + ' = ''' + rtrim(@uid_dialogcolumn) + ''''
    	from dialogtablerelation tr
    	join dialogcolumnrelation cr on tr.relationid = cr.relationid
    	join dialogcolumn c on cr.uid_childcolumn = c.uid_dialogcolumn
    		tr.parenttable = 'dialogcolumn'
    		and not (tr.parentrestriction = 'DC' and tr.parentexecuteby = 'T')
    	for read only
    	open step_tablerelation
    	fetch first from step_tablerelation into @cmd
    	while (@@fetch_status <> -1)
    		fetch next from step_tablerelation into @cmd
    close step_tablerelation
    deallocate step_tablerelation
    -- Delete the column in DialogColumn
    delete from dialogcolumn where uid_dialogcolumn = @uid_dialogcolumn
    -- Delete the TableRelations
    delete from dialogtablerelation where relationid not in (
    	select relationid from dialogcolumnrelation
    -- Recalculate the triggers to be sure that the column is not used by any tablerelation-triggers
    select @cmd = 'exec vid_DBSchedulerInsert ''COMMONMAKERITRIGGER'', ''' +  @table + ''', '''', ''12345'''
    select @cmd = 'exec vid_DBScheduler 9000'
    -- Delete the column in the schema
    exec vid_DropColumn @table, @column