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Manager Web application - wrong AD group entitlements displayed

Hi Team,

We have Dell IDM 7.0 installed and are facing below issue:
- The Dell Manager console on server shows an AD user(ADUser1) is member of 2 AD groups (ADGrp1 and ADGrp2)
- But in "Manager Web application" -> "Employee Entitlements Overview" displays ADUser1 as member of 3 AD groups(ADGrps1, ADGrps2 and

- I have checked the ADSAccountInADSGroup table with users SAMAccountName and it also has 2 ADGroups only.

We have not yet installed hotfix nor upgraded it to 7.0.1 in this environment. I have looked for the list of issues fixed in Hotfix, but could not

locate above scenario.

Can you please confirm if the above behaviour is a bug in Dell IDM 7.0 and is addressed and fixed in subsequent release.


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