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Manager Web application - wrong AD group entitlements displayed

Hi Team,

We have Dell IDM 7.0 installed and are facing below issue:
- The Dell Manager console on server shows an AD user(ADUser1) is member of 2 AD groups (ADGrp1 and ADGrp2)
- But in "Manager Web application" -> "Employee Entitlements Overview" displays ADUser1 as member of 3 AD groups(ADGrps1, ADGrps2 and

- I have checked the ADSAccountInADSGroup table with users SAMAccountName and it also has 2 ADGroups only.

We have not yet installed hotfix nor upgraded it to 7.0.1 in this environment. I have looked for the list of issues fixed in Hotfix, but could not

locate above scenario.

Can you please confirm if the above behaviour is a bug in Dell IDM 7.0 and is addressed and fixed in subsequent release.


  • Hi Hanno,

    Sorry for such a late response.
    Thanks for your reply, it is indeed Parent-child group and the child groups are displaying in the Manager Web.

    Is it possible to display only direct assigned AD groups and disallow  the child groups from getting displayed in the ManagerWeb.

    Appreciate your help.


    Sandeep M

  • Hi Hanno,

    Sorry for such a late response.
    Thanks for your reply, it is indeed Parent-child group and the child groups are displaying in the Manager Web.

    Is it possible to display only direct assigned AD groups and disallow  the child groups from getting displayed in the ManagerWeb.

    Appreciate your help.


    Sandeep M

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