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Error while executing synchronization project for oracle database

Hi All,

we have created a connection to oracle database with native database connector in Dell One Identity Manager 7.0.1. 

we created synchronization project for initial sync. job server have been defined with Native Database Connector function. but while executing the sync project its giving me below error;

"[2161006] Error executing full synchronization!

at VI.Projector.Editor.Internal.GlobalActionHandler.HandleEvent(Object sender, String eventName, Object[] args)
at VI.Projector.Editor.Internal.GlobalActionHandler._ExecuteStartInfo(IProjectionStartInfo startInfo)

[810103] Error generating processes for event Run.
at VI.DB.Entities.PermissionsUnitOfWork.<GenerateAsync>d__2b.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.Entities.UnitOfWorkImpl.<GenerateAsync>d__13.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.JobGeneration.JobGeneratorImpl.<CreateChainsAsync>d__0.MoveNext()

[810222] Error executing script 'Event_Run'.
at VI.DB.JobGeneration.JobGeneratorImpl.<CreateChainsAsync>d__0.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.JobGeneration.JobGeneratorImpl.<_CreateChainsForSingle>d__10.MoveNext()
at VI.DB.Scripting.ScriptInstance.Eval(String key, Object[] parameters)

[810108] Error generation process step event Run.
at DynScripts.JobGen_DPRProjectionStartInfo_203oMa0Utun7HUiP7JfLSY2TsE.Event_Run(JobGenContext context)

[810109] Error generating process DPR_DPRProjectionStartInfo_Run_Synchronization.
at DynScripts.JobGen_DPRProjectionStartInfo_203oMa0Utun7HUiP7JfLSY2TsE.Event_Run(JobGenContext context)
at DynScripts.JobGen_DPRProjectionStartInfo_203oMa0Utun7HUiP7JfLSY2TsE.Chain_DPR_DPRProjectionStartInfo_Run_Synchronization(JobGenContext context, String EventName)

[810110] Error generating process step Run Synchronization.
at DynScripts.JobGen_DPRProjectionStartInfo_203oMa0Utun7HUiP7JfLSY2TsE.Chain_DPR_DPRProjectionStartInfo_Run_Synchronization(JobGenContext context, String EventName)
at DynScripts.JobGen_DPRProjectionStartInfo_203oMa0Utun7HUiP7JfLSY2TsE.Job_DPR_DPRProjectionStartInfo_Run_Synchronization_Run_Synchronization(JobGenContext context, String EventName, JobChain myChain, IVarContext chainValues)

[810112] There is no server that can fulfill server mask and/or server selection script input.
at VI.DB.JobGeneration.JobGenContext.<>c__DisplayClass1.<<_GetJobServer>b__0>d__3.MoveNext()

Can any please help me in this.



  • HI,

    Yes. i have loaded data to department table earlier. 

    My department name is Sales and same in Idm as Sales. 

    secondly, when do synchronization without department field is working fine, but central account is not populating automatically. 


  • HI,

    Yes. i have loaded data to department table earlier. 

    My department name is Sales and same in Idm as Sales. 

    secondly, when do synchronization without department field is working fine, but central account is not populating automatically. 


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