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Disaster Recovery?

I am just kind of curious how people have DR set up for IDM. I know the documentation has clustering for HA but has anyone tried a fail-over to a DR site?

We are working on this now and have the IDM DB mirrored to a DR site with the web and application servers also in the DR site. We were thinking of failing over the DB to the DR site but since the DB has all the settings for PROD site, how does this work? Or does it work?

This means I would have to go into designer in the DR site and recompile the new server names and set up the job configuration with the new server names correct?

Just trying to get a grasp for what others are doing. Any input would help.

Thanks in advance.

  • Does it make sense to fail over IdM to a DR site? All depends on the assumptions:

    - if you just assume that the DB server goes down, then you "just" have to apply the standard procedures of DR for your database system itself

    - if you assume that the entire environment (including all webservers and gateway servers) goes down, then there is a severe problem anyway, and IdM is one of the most unimportant components (by the way: for D1IM Version < 7 there are no App Servers). Then you have to re-animate the components stepwise anyway. 

    AND: HA is a different thing which in fact is never really needed: Where is the problem if there is no provisioning for some minutes - or even few hours?

  • Thank you Peter, I had explained the same thing about the severity, but it's what they require. We almost have this mapped out to fit our needs.

  • Sorry to bump this thread but I am facing the same challenges as we have very stringent DR policies.

    Could you outline your DR solution?

  • Is there a set document for this scenario