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ADGroup that are inherited and directly assigned.

How can i convert all the AD group assignments for users that have been loaded from AD and have a direct assignment (XOrigin=1) but that users now also get from Department and other business roles so XOrigin=3. I cant edit the XOrigin in the ADsAccountInADSGroup via the Objectbrowser. Do I just create a Process Orc. with SQL update and change all XOrigin from 3 to 2 ? Other things that have to be updated ?

This is ver D1 7.01



  • Hi Kai,

    just delete the entries with XOrigin=3 using the object layer (NOT SQL!!!). For example with ObjectBrowser (or any other tool from D1IM like Manager, ...).

    The object layer automatically converts the delete operation and changes the XOrigin flag accordingly.

    It is possible of course to use a script or a HandleObject process step to achieve the same.

    But again, do not use SQL.

    Here are some sample screenshots from the delete Operation made with ObjectBrowser.

    Step 1: Delete the object

    Step 2: Check the result


  • If i create a custom proccess with handle object component delete it will work also? it is because we have a lot of adsgroup assigments in that situation

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