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Dell one Identity Manager integration with Cloud Access manager

Hello Experts,

We have a requirement where we want to integrate Dell one Cloud Access manager with Dell one identity manager. The customer does not want to use password wallet functionality, so Form-based and reverse proxy authentication schemes are ruled out.

Does Dell one Identity Manager supports SAML 2.0? Can we integrate dell one CAM with Dell one IM using SAML authentication scheme?

Do we have any documentation available wrt Dell IM and CAM integration?


Lee Tea

  • The portable STS that comes with Identity Manager configures the OAuthAuthenticator section with settings specific to its use, and pretty much works right out of the box if you want to go that route.

    Unfortunately, CAM does not actually reach out and touch the Identity Manager config and the documentation on this subject is relegated primarily to the portable STS route.

    A specific "How To" on how to configure Identity Manager and ITShop to integrate with CAM would be a real win for you guys.

    For those of us who already have CAM, it seems silly to have to go on an Easter egg hunt to figure out how to configure ITShop and the management tools to use CAM as opposed to the P-STS for Oauth.

    I mean, the client ID settings in the OAuthAuthenticator config are not used, for the P-STS and there is only one certificate thumbprint configuration parameter so it is not very intuitive to understand how to configure both ITShop and the Managment utils to use CAM.

    In the CAM OIDC Flow Test tool (That comes with CAM) you at least have options to set client ID, scopes and such to better understand how it works.

    With the big Dell purchase of EMC of late, and the pressure that comes along with a competing product (RSA), I would think that there would be a significant push to gain additional market-share.

    IMHO, the best way you get there is by making your products easy to integrate. D1IM 7.0.1 is a terrific start, but you guys are playing catch up with the integration game.

    I mean, to not have the ability to incorporate SAML into the picture here is a blunder that hampers wide spread adoption of ITShop.

    I have been with two companies so far that have decided to go with ServiceNow over ITshop for their attestation because of the expertise deficit you have here in the states.

    Its a shame because I think you guys have one of the better products in the market place. 

  • The portable STS that comes with Identity Manager configures the OAuthAuthenticator section with settings specific to its use, and pretty much works right out of the box if you want to go that route.

    Unfortunately, CAM does not actually reach out and touch the Identity Manager config and the documentation on this subject is relegated primarily to the portable STS route.

    A specific "How To" on how to configure Identity Manager and ITShop to integrate with CAM would be a real win for you guys.

    For those of us who already have CAM, it seems silly to have to go on an Easter egg hunt to figure out how to configure ITShop and the management tools to use CAM as opposed to the P-STS for Oauth.

    I mean, the client ID settings in the OAuthAuthenticator config are not used, for the P-STS and there is only one certificate thumbprint configuration parameter so it is not very intuitive to understand how to configure both ITShop and the Managment utils to use CAM.

    In the CAM OIDC Flow Test tool (That comes with CAM) you at least have options to set client ID, scopes and such to better understand how it works.

    With the big Dell purchase of EMC of late, and the pressure that comes along with a competing product (RSA), I would think that there would be a significant push to gain additional market-share.

    IMHO, the best way you get there is by making your products easy to integrate. D1IM 7.0.1 is a terrific start, but you guys are playing catch up with the integration game.

    I mean, to not have the ability to incorporate SAML into the picture here is a blunder that hampers wide spread adoption of ITShop.

    I have been with two companies so far that have decided to go with ServiceNow over ITshop for their attestation because of the expertise deficit you have here in the states.

    Its a shame because I think you guys have one of the better products in the market place. 

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