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2 STS and 2 Proxy server in Cloud Access manager

Hello Experts,

I have built the 2 STS and 2 proxy setup for the Cloud Access manager.

First I have configured the another STS and tested,every thing works well.
then I have configured the another proxy host by giving the details of the first STS host details.

I have not configured the load balancer yet.

I have integrated one application with the first proxy and the first STS server,and it is working fine.

but when I am trying to access the application with the second proxy,but it is redirecting to the error page of the first proxy.(Even for accessing the Cloud access manager portal)

Now my question is

1.Do I need to configure the application with the second proxy also,if so,how.
2.How to access the Cloud Access manager url with the second proxy.

Let me know if I have missed anything in configuration.

Thanks in Advance!!!

  • Hi,

    how are you accessing the second node, the proxy listens on the same name(s) on all nodes,

    so if you have an app called then that has to resolve to both proxy nodes.

    to test this I usually add a hosts entry to my testing machine so I can direct the traffic to the second proxy to test this kind of scenario. Usually the load balancer would send the traffic from the vip to one of the nodes.

    hope that makes sense, some more information on how you are testing would be useful.


  • Hi,

    how are you accessing the second node, the proxy listens on the same name(s) on all nodes,

    so if you have an app called then that has to resolve to both proxy nodes.

    to test this I usually add a hosts entry to my testing machine so I can direct the traffic to the second proxy to test this kind of scenario. Usually the load balancer would send the traffic from the vip to one of the nodes.

    hope that makes sense, some more information on how you are testing would be useful.


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