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Customizing Web Portal login page for D1IM v7

Hi all,

I´m trying to do a basic logo change for my new web portal login page but I´m having an issue. Using web designer a change the "Sign in logo" adding a custom one but when I compile my project, preview windows does not show my new logo (do not show any custom logo. Default logo is shown correctly)

From IIS logs, there is an error message as the following:

System.Exception: An error ocurred while processing the request /IdentityManager/res.axd?wproj=0&t=395254360&resName=NewLogo.png ---> VI.Base.ViException: You do not have permissions for this action. Please log in

During web portal installation, I selected the "Anonymous login" option

Also, I changed Company logo and that is working ok (that is the one that appears after you login)

What should I do? Thanks in advanced.


  • Hi Osvalda,

    jip, that's on the todo list. 

    Loading an image from the database does not work before you actually log in. 

    There is an easy workaround; store the image as a local file on the web server and change the URL to reference the image file. This can be any URL (intra or extranet) that is reachable from the client.


  • Hi Osvalda,

    jip, that's on the todo list. 

    Loading an image from the database does not work before you actually log in. 

    There is an easy workaround; store the image as a local file on the web server and change the URL to reference the image file. This can be any URL (intra or extranet) that is reachable from the client.


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