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Customizing Web Portal login page for D1IM v7

Hi all,

I´m trying to do a basic logo change for my new web portal login page but I´m having an issue. Using web designer a change the "Sign in logo" adding a custom one but when I compile my project, preview windows does not show my new logo (do not show any custom logo. Default logo is shown correctly)

From IIS logs, there is an error message as the following:

System.Exception: An error ocurred while processing the request /IdentityManager/res.axd?wproj=0&t=395254360&resName=NewLogo.png ---> VI.Base.ViException: You do not have permissions for this action. Please log in

During web portal installation, I selected the "Anonymous login" option

Also, I changed Company logo and that is working ok (that is the one that appears after you login)

What should I do? Thanks in advanced.


  • Hi


    If you create an Images folder on a different drivve to the INETPUB folder you can use a symlink to mount it. For the product logo I have the parameter set to




    But the Images folder is not in the IdentityManager folder, that's just a symlink to an Images folder which is stored on a completely different disk. The reason I did that is, suppose a customer needs a graphics design team to maintain all their own branding images and custom thumbnails, icons etc without them being able to read or modify anything inside the INETPUB folder.


    Before logging in, there are three key elements that may need customization:


    Sign in logo: this is the object that is responsible for the Dell logo on the login screen in v7.x. The image I replace it with is a PNG, size 160x160 pixels. The page source shows the parent DIV as having an identifier "Company Logo with Link" and this is a bit ambiguous - while the image is best suited for displaying a company logo, it isn't the company logo image which can be defined in Web Designer. The key for the parameter is "VI_Common_SignInLogo".


    Company link: this is described in the Web Designer as "The browser will follow this link by clicking on your company logo." This means it's attached to the Sign in logo. The key for this parameter is "VI_Common_CompanyLink".


    Sign in product symbol: Within a parent DIV identified as "PoductName", This image I use is a PNG, size 276x34 pixels, with the alt text "Dell™ One Identity Manager". I prefer this to be an image containing text rather than a graphical logo. The key for this parameter is "VI_Common_SignInProductName".


    After logging in, within a parent DIV identified as "product and company logo", there are two images displayed side by side:


    Company logo: The key for this is "VI_Common_CompanyLogo". This image will have the alt text "Company page". If you are not using a product logo I find the image displays best if it has dimensions between 48x48 for a square logo, or 240x48 for a banner logo. However, the width is less important than the height - for example if the image is 62 pixels high then the margin to the left and above the image will be different to the margin below. 


    Product logo: The key for this is "VI_Common_ProductLogo". This image has the alt text "Home page". I recommend using a PNG with the same height as the company logo and ensure the two images are centre aligned.


    I'm not sure why a customer would want to display two graphical logos side by side, so in a test VM I have set up the company logo as a smaller version of the sign-in logo (48x48), and the product logo is a 248x48 version of the text-as-bitmap I used for the sign-in product symbol.

  • Hi


    If you create an Images folder on a different drivve to the INETPUB folder you can use a symlink to mount it. For the product logo I have the parameter set to




    But the Images folder is not in the IdentityManager folder, that's just a symlink to an Images folder which is stored on a completely different disk. The reason I did that is, suppose a customer needs a graphics design team to maintain all their own branding images and custom thumbnails, icons etc without them being able to read or modify anything inside the INETPUB folder.


    Before logging in, there are three key elements that may need customization:


    Sign in logo: this is the object that is responsible for the Dell logo on the login screen in v7.x. The image I replace it with is a PNG, size 160x160 pixels. The page source shows the parent DIV as having an identifier "Company Logo with Link" and this is a bit ambiguous - while the image is best suited for displaying a company logo, it isn't the company logo image which can be defined in Web Designer. The key for the parameter is "VI_Common_SignInLogo".


    Company link: this is described in the Web Designer as "The browser will follow this link by clicking on your company logo." This means it's attached to the Sign in logo. The key for this parameter is "VI_Common_CompanyLink".


    Sign in product symbol: Within a parent DIV identified as "PoductName", This image I use is a PNG, size 276x34 pixels, with the alt text "Dell™ One Identity Manager". I prefer this to be an image containing text rather than a graphical logo. The key for this parameter is "VI_Common_SignInProductName".


    After logging in, within a parent DIV identified as "product and company logo", there are two images displayed side by side:


    Company logo: The key for this is "VI_Common_CompanyLogo". This image will have the alt text "Company page". If you are not using a product logo I find the image displays best if it has dimensions between 48x48 for a square logo, or 240x48 for a banner logo. However, the width is less important than the height - for example if the image is 62 pixels high then the margin to the left and above the image will be different to the margin below. 


    Product logo: The key for this is "VI_Common_ProductLogo". This image has the alt text "Home page". I recommend using a PNG with the same height as the company logo and ensure the two images are centre aligned.


    I'm not sure why a customer would want to display two graphical logos side by side, so in a test VM I have set up the company logo as a smaller version of the sign-in logo (48x48), and the product logo is a 248x48 version of the text-as-bitmap I used for the sign-in product symbol.

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