Getting Error while login into the Manager (D1IM 7.0)

Hello Experts,

I am getting this error,while opening the D1IM manager tool from launchpad.

Please let me know what is the issue.

  • Hi,

    i am unable to reproduce this error.

    So i would like you to ask the following questions to help the experts to identify your issue.

    1. Does this error occurs only on one machine or are you able to reproduce it on another one?
    2. On what system did you experience the error? (Server, Workstation,. OS Version, Patch Level, ...)
    3. Is the machine a virtual or a physical one? And if it is virtual one what type of VM (including Version) is it running on?
    4. What is the configured display resolution on your machine? If you are using more than one display, list the resolutions of all displays.
    5. What is the version of the .NET Framework installed on the machine?
    6. What is the version of the graphics driver installed on the machine?

  • We are getting the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" after logging into launchpad, designer, manager etc due to which we are unable to add/update anything. It is happening across different logins on two different machines where we have 1IM installed. The servers are virtual

    Please advise as this is a dev environemnt, we dont have a DB backup

    Thanks in advance

Reply Children
  • A complete error message including stack trace would be helpful.

  • Markus,

    Below is the error message

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at VI.DB.Entities.PermissionsEntityClassification.<ClassifyAsync>d__2.MoveNext()
    at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
    at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
    --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
    at VI.DB.Entities.EntityClassificationByScripts.<ClassifyAsync>d__3.MoveNext()
    at VI.DB.Entities.EntityClassificationByScripts._Matches(ISession session, IEnumerable`1 entityClasses, IEntity entity)
    at VI.DB.Scripting.ScriptRunner..ctor(IScriptClass theClass, ISession session, IEntity entity, Object value)
    at lambda_method(Closure )
    at DynScripts.Scripts_ilDjNriWqwpZcrouzkkpP5a4ZK4..ctor()
    at VI.DB.Scripting.ScriptBase.get_Connection()

    Crash report

    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_PersonHead MinLen depends on IdentityType
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_PersonHead MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_PersonMasterIdentity MinLen depends on IdentityType
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_PersonMasterIdentity MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DateLastWorked MinLen depends on ExitDate
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DateLastWorked MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled depends on _AdminUserExists
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on _AdminUserExists
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Initializing Customizer
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DefaultEMailAddress MinLen depends on IsSupporter
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DefaultEMailAddress MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_DialogUser MinLen depends on IsSupporter
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_DialogUser MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Error during execution of 'OnLoaded' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.EntityScriptLogic'.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Getting single entity from bulk data done in 1ms.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Getting single entity from bulk data, load type Interactive
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Creating from bulk data: <Key><T>Person</T><P>0bd21a4d-44b1-4ee5-8e11-ff9cd9ea8503</P></Key>
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Initializing Customizer
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on RiskIndexCalculated CanEdit depends on _IsAdministrativeAccount
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Column RiskIndexCalculated is disabled -> Ignoring action.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DialogUserSalt CanEdit depends on
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DialogUserSalt CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DeactivationEnd CanEdit depends on DeactivationStart, IsTemporaryDeactivated
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DeactivationEnd CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_RealPerson CanEdit depends on IsDummyPerson
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_RealPerson CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_X500Person CanEdit depends on IsX500Dummy
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_X500Person CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on IsTemporaryDeactivated CanEdit depends on IsInactive
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: IsTemporaryDeactivated CanEdit = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_PersonHead MinLen depends on IdentityType
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_PersonHead MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_PersonMasterIdentity MinLen depends on IdentityType
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_PersonMasterIdentity MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DateLastWorked MinLen depends on ExitDate
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DateLastWorked MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled depends on _AdminUserExists
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on _AdminUserExists
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Initializing Customizer
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DefaultEMailAddress MinLen depends on IsSupporter
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DefaultEMailAddress MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_DialogUser MinLen depends on IsSupporter
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_DialogUser MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Error during execution of 'OnLoaded' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.EntityScriptLogic'.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Getting single entity from bulk data done in 1ms.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Getting single entity from bulk data, load type Interactive
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Creating from bulk data: <Key><T>Person</T><P>0e4bae36-d6f4-417b-8571-129085ade7d5</P></Key>
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Initializing Customizer
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on RiskIndexCalculated CanEdit depends on _IsAdministrativeAccount
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Column RiskIndexCalculated is disabled -> Ignoring action.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DialogUserSalt CanEdit depends on
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DialogUserSalt CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DeactivationEnd CanEdit depends on DeactivationStart, IsTemporaryDeactivated
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DeactivationEnd CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_RealPerson CanEdit depends on IsDummyPerson
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_RealPerson CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_X500Person CanEdit depends on IsX500Dummy
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_X500Person CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on IsTemporaryDeactivated CanEdit depends on IsInactive
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: IsTemporaryDeactivated CanEdit = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_PersonHead MinLen depends on IdentityType
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_PersonHead MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_PersonMasterIdentity MinLen depends on IdentityType
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_PersonMasterIdentity MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DateLastWorked MinLen depends on ExitDate
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DateLastWorked MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled depends on _AdminUserExists
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on _AdminUserExists
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Initializing Customizer
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DefaultEMailAddress MinLen depends on IsSupporter
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DefaultEMailAddress MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_DialogUser MinLen depends on IsSupporter
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_DialogUser MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Error during execution of 'OnLoaded' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.EntityScriptLogic'.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Getting single entity from bulk data done in 1ms.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Getting single entity from bulk data, load type Interactive
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Creating from bulk data: <Key><T>Person</T><P>98d6e2a4-972b-47e0-9782-dd4b89a96923</P></Key>
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Initializing Customizer
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on RiskIndexCalculated CanEdit depends on _IsAdministrativeAccount
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Column RiskIndexCalculated is disabled -> Ignoring action.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DialogUserSalt CanEdit depends on
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DialogUserSalt CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DeactivationEnd CanEdit depends on DeactivationStart, IsTemporaryDeactivated
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DeactivationEnd CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_RealPerson CanEdit depends on IsDummyPerson
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_RealPerson CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_X500Person CanEdit depends on IsX500Dummy
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_X500Person CanEdit = False
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on IsTemporaryDeactivated CanEdit depends on IsInactive
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: IsTemporaryDeactivated CanEdit = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_PersonHead MinLen depends on IdentityType
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_PersonHead MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_PersonMasterIdentity MinLen depends on IdentityType
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_PersonMasterIdentity MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DateLastWorked MinLen depends on ExitDate
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DateLastWorked MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled depends on _AdminUserExists
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodEnabled = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible depends on _AdminUserExists
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: CreateAdminUser(VI.DB.Entities.ISession, VI.DB.Entities.IEntity, System.Threading.CancellationToken) MethodVisible = True
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, New state: Loaded, LogicInitialize
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Person: Initializing Customizer
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on DefaultEMailAddress MinLen depends on IsSupporter
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: DefaultEMailAddress MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Action on UID_DialogUser MinLen depends on IsSupporter
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Result: UID_DialogUser MinLen = 0
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Old state: Loaded, LogicInitialize, New state: Loaded
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Error during execution of 'OnLoaded' in logic module 'VI.DB.Entities.EntityScriptLogic'.
    2020-04-09 11:24:57 ObjectLog Getting single entity from bulk data done in 1ms.