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How to recalculate group of approvers?

I have an attestation case with calculated group of approvers, which might change over time. How can I programmatically recalculate the group?

  • Hello Barry,

    I'm sorry to dig up this issue a year and a half later, but I stumbling upon the exact same problem in v7.1.1 when I'm trying to use a custom approval procedure I created.

    Unfortunately, the picture you linked is not visible. I'm trying to follow the linked but I can an "Access denied" error even though I'm logged in using my Dell account.
    Would you be able to post the picture again but in a way that would be visible ?

    Thanks a lot in advance !!
  • Hello Barry,

    I'm sorry to dig up this issue a year and a half later, but I stumbling upon the exact same problem in v7.1.1 when I'm trying to use a custom approval procedure I created.

    Unfortunately, the picture you linked is not visible. I'm trying to follow the linked but I can an "Access denied" error even though I'm logged in using my Dell account.
    Would you be able to post the picture again but in a way that would be visible ?

    Thanks a lot in advance !!
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