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How to recalculate group of approvers?

I have an attestation case with calculated group of approvers, which might change over time. How can I programmatically recalculate the group?

  • Hi Robin,

    If I'm not mistaken the sql was:

    exec vi_ReCalcPWOHelperPWO '|CP|', '12345'

    But this is 'just' for V6.

    The equivalent for V7 is QER_PITShopHelperFillAll .... arguments are @DecisionRules, @GenProcID.

    I don't have an exact syntax for @DecisionRules.

    HTH, Barry.
  • Hi Robin,

    If I'm not mistaken the sql was:

    exec vi_ReCalcPWOHelperPWO '|CP|', '12345'

    But this is 'just' for V6.

    The equivalent for V7 is QER_PITShopHelperFillAll .... arguments are @DecisionRules, @GenProcID.

    I don't have an exact syntax for @DecisionRules.

    HTH, Barry.
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