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Move AD account on deactivation


I have a requirement to move inactive accounts to a different OU in AD after disabling them. 

Is there some inbuilt config parameter which allows me an OU to move the disabled AD object to? If not, I'm guessing I need a custom process however I'm not sure which existing one to copy? The only process I can see is VI_ADS_ADSAccount_Delete_onFullSync but I don't want to delete the account, just need to move it to another container.

Thanks in advance.



  • You have to adapt the code in the template for the column ADSAccount.UID_ADSContainer to set it to your special container for disabled users.

    The following sample is adapted from the original template of version 6.1.3 that changes the container for "Full Managed" accounts if they are disabled in 1IM.

  • You have to adapt the code in the template for the column ADSAccount.UID_ADSContainer to set it to your special container for disabled users.

    The following sample is adapted from the original template of version 6.1.3 that changes the container for "Full Managed" accounts if they are disabled in 1IM.

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