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Decrypt data

Hi everyone.

I have encrypt some values in D1IM database (CentralPassword for example) with the Crypto configuration tool. I need to decrypt Central password when creating UNS account, because I have to use this field in VB script.

How could I decrypt data? Is there OOTB function available?

Thanks for your response.

  • Hi Evgen,

    the D1IM service is perfectly suited to decrypt encrypted data since it has the private key stored internally. Just mark a process step parameter as encrypted and the service will decrypt it before passing the data to the process task (e.g. a script).



  • Hi Evgen,

    the D1IM service is perfectly suited to decrypt encrypted data since it has the private key stored internally. Just mark a process step parameter as encrypted and the service will decrypt it before passing the data to the process task (e.g. a script).



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