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Decrypt data

Hi everyone.

I have encrypt some values in D1IM database (CentralPassword for example) with the Crypto configuration tool. I need to decrypt Central password when creating UNS account, because I have to use this field in VB script.

How could I decrypt data? Is there OOTB function available?

Thanks for your response.

  • Hi Steffen,

    I have similar situation where script is called from web portal to fetch data from 3rd party application interactively. So far we are able to circumvent the problem by triggering job which has decrypt functionality to get the passwords from encrypted config parameters but not able to find a way in interactive use case.

    I would appreciate any ideas.



  • Hi Steffen,

    I have similar situation where script is called from web portal to fetch data from 3rd party application interactively. So far we are able to circumvent the problem by triggering job which has decrypt functionality to get the passwords from encrypted config parameters but not able to find a way in interactive use case.

    I would appreciate any ideas.



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