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Custom WorkFlow - Custom Step


We are looking for options to incorporate a custom step in the work flow process. The custom step should connect to a database and verify the status of the person before moving on the next level approver.

We could find any options to write a custom code withing the workflow. The only options available is to choose the OOTB Approval procedure which is in turn non customizable

Any info would be of help.



  • Hi Oliver,

    I have raised a Service Request  <ADMIN NOTE: service request number removed as per privacy policy> for this on my Support Account with Dell and referred them to this link.

    Would you be able to email me an example of what the 'Approval Step' properties in an approval workflow using 'EX - Approvals to be made externally' looks like?

    I can see an 'Event' field and am assuming that I need to put an event name here, say for example 'Blah'.

    Then which table do I trigger the process off of, based upon the event 'Blah'?  Would it be DialogDatabase or PersonWantsOrg?

    I looked at the VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg create AD group process and have the following questions:

    - On the decision process nodes, do I always need to put 'sa' as the param1 name?

    - The value of true or false is passed back by param2, which is fine.

    - How would I potentially access the value of param3 i.e. #LD("Group successfully created.")#

    on a subsequent step in my workflow?

    Look forward to your feedback.


  • Hi Oliver,

    I have raised a Service Request  <ADMIN NOTE: service request number removed as per privacy policy> for this on my Support Account with Dell and referred them to this link.

    Would you be able to email me an example of what the 'Approval Step' properties in an approval workflow using 'EX - Approvals to be made externally' looks like?

    I can see an 'Event' field and am assuming that I need to put an event name here, say for example 'Blah'.

    Then which table do I trigger the process off of, based upon the event 'Blah'?  Would it be DialogDatabase or PersonWantsOrg?

    I looked at the VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg create AD group process and have the following questions:

    - On the decision process nodes, do I always need to put 'sa' as the param1 name?

    - The value of true or false is passed back by param2, which is fine.

    - How would I potentially access the value of param3 i.e. #LD("Group successfully created.")#

    on a subsequent step in my workflow?

    Look forward to your feedback.


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