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Custom WorkFlow - Custom Step


We are looking for options to incorporate a custom step in the work flow process. The custom step should connect to a database and verify the status of the person before moving on the next level approver.

We could find any options to write a custom code withing the workflow. The only options available is to choose the OOTB Approval procedure which is in turn non customizable

Any info would be of help.



  • Hi Kapil,

    events initiated by the EX approval procedure are generated on the associated PersonWantsOrg (if IT Shop request) or AttestationCase (if attestation) objects. IMHO, the best example still is the combination of approval workflow Approval of AD group create requests and process VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg create AD group mentioned earlier in this thread. 

    The first argument of the MakeDecision method (referenced as param1 in the process step definition) needs to be the UID_Person of a valid decision maker or "sa" for "system decision". As there's usually no employee entitled to decide a request at this point (ie. level that contains the EX step), "sa" is the only option you're left with.

    The third argument (decision reason) is stored alongside with the decision itself in PWODecisionHistory and might be retrieved from there.



  • Hi Kapil,

    events initiated by the EX approval procedure are generated on the associated PersonWantsOrg (if IT Shop request) or AttestationCase (if attestation) objects. IMHO, the best example still is the combination of approval workflow Approval of AD group create requests and process VI_ESS_PersonWantsOrg create AD group mentioned earlier in this thread. 

    The first argument of the MakeDecision method (referenced as param1 in the process step definition) needs to be the UID_Person of a valid decision maker or "sa" for "system decision". As there's usually no employee entitled to decide a request at this point (ie. level that contains the EX step), "sa" is the only option you're left with.

    The third argument (decision reason) is stored alongside with the decision itself in PWODecisionHistory and might be retrieved from there.



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