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Custom WorkFlow - Custom Step


We are looking for options to incorporate a custom step in the work flow process. The custom step should connect to a database and verify the status of the person before moving on the next level approver.

We could find any options to write a custom code withing the workflow. The only options available is to choose the OOTB Approval procedure which is in turn non customizable

Any info would be of help.



  • Oliver, wenn Sie deutsch sind, dann viel danke für Ihre Hilfe damit :)
    Ich habe noch einige Fragen:

    Thanks for your help.  I have one more question:

    After the process returns the decision back to the workflow, how do I then in the workflow send notification emails to the requester and recipient?

    I cannot seem to find a suitable Approval Procedure as part of an Approval Step from the out-of-the-box Approval Procedures available for selection that will simply send a notification email.

    And I also cannot find any 'notification Email node' available to add to the workflow.

    I tried selecting 'BR - Back to Requester' and 'BR - Back to Recipient', but those send the request back to IT shop for 'Approval' instead of what I want, which is simply a notification email.

    Besides the above question, two more quick questions:

    - Is it possible to create custom Approval procedures?

    - In reference to your previous answer:  "The third argument (decision reason) is stored alongside with the decision itself in PWODecisionHistory and might be retrieved from there."

    What would I need to do in the workflow to retrieve data from PWODecisionHistory?



  • Oliver, wenn Sie deutsch sind, dann viel danke für Ihre Hilfe damit :)
    Ich habe noch einige Fragen:

    Thanks for your help.  I have one more question:

    After the process returns the decision back to the workflow, how do I then in the workflow send notification emails to the requester and recipient?

    I cannot seem to find a suitable Approval Procedure as part of an Approval Step from the out-of-the-box Approval Procedures available for selection that will simply send a notification email.

    And I also cannot find any 'notification Email node' available to add to the workflow.

    I tried selecting 'BR - Back to Requester' and 'BR - Back to Recipient', but those send the request back to IT shop for 'Approval' instead of what I want, which is simply a notification email.

    Besides the above question, two more quick questions:

    - Is it possible to create custom Approval procedures?

    - In reference to your previous answer:  "The third argument (decision reason) is stored alongside with the decision itself in PWODecisionHistory and might be retrieved from there."

    What would I need to do in the workflow to retrieve data from PWODecisionHistory?



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