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Custom WorkFlow - Custom Step


We are looking for options to incorporate a custom step in the work flow process. The custom step should connect to a database and verify the status of the person before moving on the next level approver.

We could find any options to write a custom code withing the workflow. The only options available is to choose the OOTB Approval procedure which is in turn non customizable

Any info would be of help.



  • Hi Kapil,

    immer gerne Smile

    Notifications to the recipient are sent out automatically if this is configured in your workflow steps and/or approval policy (e.g. "Mail template approved/denied" setting). Please see the documentation (chapter "Notifications in the Request Process" in the IT Shop Guide) for further information. If the ootb behavior does not fulfill your requirements, you can copy and modify the standard process, add new ones to the relevant events (e.g. OrderGranted) or add EX steps to your workflow in order to generate processes that send the notifications you need.

    No, it's not supported to have custom approval procedures.

    The answer to your last question depends on the way you want to process this information in the subsequent steps. E.g. if an automatic decision should be based on the reason of an EX decision, you would add a workflow step with approval procedure "CD - Calculated decision" and formulate a suitable condition in its configuration (see the document mentioned above for an example of such a condition).



  • Hi Kapil,

    immer gerne Smile

    Notifications to the recipient are sent out automatically if this is configured in your workflow steps and/or approval policy (e.g. "Mail template approved/denied" setting). Please see the documentation (chapter "Notifications in the Request Process" in the IT Shop Guide) for further information. If the ootb behavior does not fulfill your requirements, you can copy and modify the standard process, add new ones to the relevant events (e.g. OrderGranted) or add EX steps to your workflow in order to generate processes that send the notifications you need.

    No, it's not supported to have custom approval procedures.

    The answer to your last question depends on the way you want to process this information in the subsequent steps. E.g. if an automatic decision should be based on the reason of an EX decision, you would add a workflow step with approval procedure "CD - Calculated decision" and formulate a suitable condition in its configuration (see the document mentioned above for an example of such a condition).



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