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History Database Q1IM


we are currently seeing for a setting up of a HIstory Database for our Quest One IM database.

A documentation says that a several tools must be installed on a dedicated administration workstation as HistoryDB Manager. My questions are:

Is it possible to install all these HistoryDB tools on the same workstation with our other Quest IM tools?

I would also like to know if a History Database can be installed on the same server as Quest One IM database ?And which size estimation for this History Database?

Kind regards

  • Hello Anton,

    Q: Is it possible to install all these HistoryDB tools on the same workstation with our other Quest IM tools?

    A: Of course.

    The default installation folder for the HDB tools is different than the folder for Q1IM ("HistoryDB" vs. "Quest One Identity Manager").

    Q: I would also like to know if a History Database can be installed on the same server as Quest One IM database ?And which size estimation for this History Database?

    A: Of course it's possible - you can install the HDB on the same db server or on a different one.

    The estimated size depends on your configuration (which changes will be saved, which historic datas have to be moved to the HDB, ...).
    But because it's possible to use more than one HDB for one Q1IM db you can create a new one if the 1st one is "full".


  • Thank you Steffen,

    do you know if Quest One History Database service should have a specific configuration in this case?

    Actually we had an error in JobQueue logs while starting this service because it uses same parameters as Quest One Identity Manager service (same server and same port). To fix it we simply changed a port in Job Service Configuration tool for Quest One History Database service, but we are not sure if this is correct. Do you know what would be a correct configuration of Database service?

    Quest One History Database service starting error:

    (sorry for french language settings)

    2014-07-01 16:09:16 +02:00 - Exception occured in HTTP Server (thread: HTTP Server):
    [System.Net.HttpListenerException] L'écoute du préfixe 'http://*:1880/' a échoué parce que le préfixe est en conflit avec un enregistrement existant sur l'ordinateur.
               à VI.JobService.Http.HttpServer._MainLoop()
               à System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
               à System.Net.HttpListener.AddAll()

    Kind regards,
  • Hi Anton,

    that's exactly what you have to do:

    If the Q1IM Jobservice and the HDB Jobservice are running on the same box you have to use different ports.
    Two times the port 1880 is not possible.

    No more actions are required.


  • Do you know other possible port to perform that?
  • Pick one that is unoccupied on your machine, 1881 for example.