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Customer header on all reports

In Q1IM version 6.0, the Designer allowed you to upload a customer logo as the ReportHeaderLeft large image. This was great as it enabled all reports to get the customer's logo with minimal change. Just tried the same in 6.1.2 and now it is read-only, presumably as it is flagged as a quest-supplied image. This means the only way to get the customer logo on every report is to copy every report and edit them. Or am I missing something? Thanks, Neil.
  • Interestingly, if you use the "ReportHeaderCustom" in 8.0, as suggested for older versions, this still works! Neat : )

    1. Configuration Settings

    2. Report Example


    I suspect it may be for legacy reasons, as replacing the "ReportHeaderLeft" works just the same.

    Hope this helps,


  • Interestingly, if you use the "ReportHeaderCustom" in 8.0, as suggested for older versions, this still works! Neat : )

    1. Configuration Settings

    2. Report Example


    I suspect it may be for legacy reasons, as replacing the "ReportHeaderLeft" works just the same.

    Hope this helps,


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