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Calculating data in templates

Looking for best practices on calculating data based on earlier data for templates. I have a customer who wants their CentralAccount to essentially be an incrementing field. The first user entered should be A1000000, then B100001, then c100002, then back to A100004. There are a few ways to accomplish this. I've written a stored procedure that will automatically fetch the next best user name. Not sure if this is the best way to accomplish this. I can use CreateCol to fetch the entire Person table, and iterate, but this is probably really inefficient. Any ideas on how to address this without killing the database?
  • Hi George,

    you could use the "AutoIncrement" feature of the identity number for the person to achieve this. (Search for AutoIncrement in the IdentityManagement.pdf).

    If this is activated, the system generates a new identity number based on the value of DialogNextID.NextNumber (where Ident_DialogNextID='Person.IdentityNumber').

    The system initializes the value of NextNumber with the max value of Person.IdentityNumber, so creating an entry in the table DialogNextId with Ident_DialogNextID='Person.IdentityNumber' and NextNumber=100000 needs to be done first in your case.

    Then change your template at Person.CentralAccount to use the identity number like:

    If CStr($ImportSource$) <> "ADS" And _
        (Not CBool(Connection.Variables.Get("FULLSYNC")) Or CStr($ImportSource$).StartsWith("EBS")) Then

        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty($IdentityNumber$) Then
            Select Case (CInt($IdentityNumber$)-100000) \ 3
                Case 0
                    Value = String.Format("A{0}",$IdentityNumber$)
                Case 1
                    Value = String.Format("B{0}",$IdentityNumber$)
                Case Else
                    Value = String.Format("C{0}",$IdentityNumber$)
            End Select
        End If
    End If


  • This answer was five years ago and I'm running 7.1.2 currently, so hopefully the answer is still relevant.  Can anyone share an example on how to activate the "DialogNextID.NextNumber" to address this part of the answer: 

    "creating an entry in the table DialogNextId with Ident_DialogNextID='Person.IdentityNumber' and NextNumber=100000 needs to be done first "

    I essentially want to populate PersonnelNumber with a unique number for our contractors and I think this solution should accomplish it. I understand modifying the template, but I'm not sure how to approach activating the DialogNextID.NextNumber portion.




  • This answer was five years ago and I'm running 7.1.2 currently, so hopefully the answer is still relevant.  Can anyone share an example on how to activate the "DialogNextID.NextNumber" to address this part of the answer: 

    "creating an entry in the table DialogNextId with Ident_DialogNextID='Person.IdentityNumber' and NextNumber=100000 needs to be done first "

    I essentially want to populate PersonnelNumber with a unique number for our contractors and I think this solution should accomplish it. I understand modifying the template, but I'm not sure how to approach activating the DialogNextID.NextNumber portion.




  • The AutoIncrement feature itself (the configuration parameter and the explicit logic behind it) is not part of the product since version 7. But you can use DialogNextID to do the same.

    The following answer is copied from another thread. It is still using the old object layer syntax but will work fine in 7.1.2

    To get the same behavior you need a template for the column PersonnelNumber like the following:

    '~~> Calculation of a unique auto incremented number
    Dim nextid As ISingleDbObject
    Dim intOrderNumber As Integer = 0

    nextid = Connection.CreateSingle("DialogNextID")
    nextid("Ident_DialogNextID").NewValue = "Person_IdentityNumber"

    intOrderNumber = CInt(nextid.Custom.CallMethod("GetNextID"))

    Value = intOrderNumber

    After that, every newly created person will get an automatically incremented number in that field.

    The table DialogNextID is used to save the value which will be the next.


  • Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction. I tested this in my DEV and it is working exactly as expected! You deserve a raise.
