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How to use RFC_READ_TABLE BAPI function in Quick Connect for SAP 2.2?

I need to read custom tables created in a SAP HR system, I read the QC SAP 2.2 Quick Start Guide and found that there is a BAPI Function for the Quick Connect SAP solution. Is there any documentation that explains how to configure/use this RFC_READ_TABLE BAPI?

  • There are custom made tables in SAP, around 20, that we need to read, they contain Person and Master data so they are actually data views built from different SAP tables, so the questions is how to read them, I have a list of tables with field names and data types, but have no clue on how to read them, also, I understand QC does not to deltas correct? so if a record changes in one table, I would need logic to figure out if it was an update?

    What is the best practice for this type of integration/reading of SAP custom tables in QC?

    Thank you.

  • There are custom made tables in SAP, around 20, that we need to read, they contain Person and Master data so they are actually data views built from different SAP tables, so the questions is how to read them, I have a list of tables with field names and data types, but have no clue on how to read them, also, I understand QC does not to deltas correct? so if a record changes in one table, I would need logic to figure out if it was an update?

    What is the best practice for this type of integration/reading of SAP custom tables in QC?

    Thank you.

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