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Deploy language pack on Q1IM 6.1.1

Hi all,

I downloaded a few days ago a language pack for Q1IM.

This package contains CSV files (one per language) to translate the portal.

What should I do to import it ?

Thanks for your help,


  • Hi again,

    Now the language pack is functioning well on the Web application but I would like to enable this for the Manager application.

    I openned the Designer and enable the Configuration Parameter : Common > Multilanguage

    I added the language Base Data > Languages

    But when I log into the to Manager and go to setting I can't see my third language

    Could you help me to know what did I missed ?

    Thanks again for your help,

    Best Regards,


  • Hi again,

    Now the language pack is functioning well on the Web application but I would like to enable this for the Manager application.

    I openned the Designer and enable the Configuration Parameter : Common > Multilanguage

    I added the language Base Data > Languages

    But when I log into the to Manager and go to setting I can't see my third language

    Could you help me to know what did I missed ?

    Thanks again for your help,

    Best Regards,


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