• Error during database upgrade from 9.1 to 9.2

    Dear all

    I have installed the 9.2 tools and attempting to upgrade to version 9.2.

    However I am running into an error: Processing step 'QBM ConsistencyAdvanced (consistency checks base advanced)' failed.

    • We are running on a Azure SQL instance…
  • How to monitor administrative modification

    Hi everyone,

    I want to monitor admnistrative changes made, for example when someone changes a Process, a template on a table or something else.

    I know that for the import of change label I can monitor this operation with "DialogTag" table, but I want…

  • What are the preferred approaches to expose OneIM data to data analytic platforms, such as PowerBI?

    Assuming one wants to use 3rd party business data analytic tools such as Power BI, Tableau, Qliq Sense, etc. to elaborate dashboards one OneIM underlying data, what are the preferred approaches to expose this data?

    My assumptions are:

    • The OneIM data…
  • IMOD-SE - Web Portal and Custom API doesn't show query result from view

    I developed a custom API that takes the data present from a view created on the database.

    A new page has been created on…
  • Error setting up db-agent missing Database objects

    Hello, I am trying to run container that is pulling from ACR to AKS. Image is 


    I set up the DB connection string and when I try to run I get this error. 

    Configuring container...
    Starting database agent installation...

  • Unable to input the password to Create a new SQL Server Logins for the database in Configuration Wizard as it is greyed out, and even unable to use other options as I get different error messages.

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm having a weird issue, I'm not sure if the approach is correct or wrong, as I'm completely new to OIM, and this is happening while creating new SQL Server Logins for the administrator in Configuration Wizard.

    Version: 9…

  • Database display

    Hello, I'm working on One Identity 9.1 and I'm having a problem displaying data from a table such as Account on a custom-app page. Please direct me to the right track. I searched for the answer in the REST API documentation however I did not find the…

  • Could not find referenced assembly VI.TSUtils.Dll

    I'm compiling the database on a sql server 2017, installed on a windows server 2019 and I get the following message during compilation: "Could not find referenced assembly VI.TSUtils.Dll.", when I close the error message is prompted for a authentication…

  • I am not able to compile the database

    I am not able to compile the database in One Identity Maneger 8.1.4 installation, I am using SQL server 2017 as database.
    I received the following error message:
    "Processing step 'QBM ContentWaitForProcessing (wait for processing initial content)' failed…

  • Data Import error

    Hi everyone,

    I'm running One Identity Manager 8.1.5, and I got an error importing data from CSV using the Data Import tool.

    The CSV contains records not related directly to products (ITShopInfo not equal to 'PR').

    The table I'm importing…

  • Load balancer and DB status check

    Hi everyone,

    I'm running One Identity Manager 8.1.5 in an environment with two web servers connected via load balancer. I know I can use the monitor or the Web Portal URL in order to make an health check for the server but I would like to ask if there…

  • Database compilation error

    Hi everyone,

    I installed One Identity Manager 8.1.4 on a machine and when I try to compile the DB I get the error in the image below

    Here some information:

         - Job Server status is up and running

         - service is running

        - log file contains only "Requesting…

  • Fetch Todays System date In Web Designer. By Default.

    Hi Everyone,

    We have a requirement while creating a new contractor manually from the IT shop, Joining Date should be automatically populated as the current date,
    so that users cannot select the previous date, and in the case of leaving date, past dates…

  • OneIM DB Migration and Restore - Compile DB Error


    We are running OneIM 8.1.3 and are in the process of having to migrate our current production DB to a different server.  We followed the standard guide on how to backup, restore DB, manually replicated the user permissions on new server, etc...and…

  • cannot connect to database as it needs to be compiled.

    During the one IDM upgradation from 8.1.1 to 8.1.14 getting error while connecting - cannot connect to database as it needs to be compiled. since we couldn't connect the DB how to compile it?

  • Problem viewing Objects within Synchronization Editor


    In a sync project in our development environment, I would like to use the Target System Browser to look at the attributes - especially the virtual ones - and check whether all virtual attributes are set correctly.
    However, I do not get any results…

  • Upgrade Path / Steps from to 8.1.2?

    Hi Fellow experts,

    Hope you are doing well.

    I know such similar questions have been asked before on this forum, but I'm unable to find the answer I need. So for my clarification I'm asking it anyways and I'm hoping you guys will help like always …

  • Rename Custom View Name

    Hi All ,

    We have a requirement  to change the view name of a custom view  and we don't want to re-create the view  . Actually  the older view has a name starting with DBG and currently with schema extension , we could only create veiw /table staring with…

  • MakeDecision job stuck in "processed" state.

    recently was found that all makedecision jobs just stuck in processing state and nothing happens.
    All other jobs successfuly executes and there is no isReset in dbqueue. Which means that object layer don't see any "contested" operations.…

  • HistoryDB / Job Chain "VI_SourceDatabase_Import " runs on Frozen


    We use version 8.0.3 in our test environment. We use two SQL servers - one for the main database and one for the history DB.

    We have set up historization to the extent that it should work. The connection between the two SQL servers is also available…

  • Creating a new One IM Database via the command Line


        Hoping a quick question, How do you create a new database via the Cli?

    I'm trying to replicate the functions of the ConfigWizard "Create and install database function/feature within a deployment script. I've found information that points…

  • Migrating OneIM DB for upgrade to 8.1

    Hi All, 

    I am working with a customer to upgrade their installation to 8.1 (from 7.1.2).  To do so SQL had to be upgraded to 2016 and they chose to create a new server and migrate teh DB. 

    Now the DB is on the new host, we are able to connect, and need…

  • One Identity Manager Database going to suspect mode

    Hi Experts 

    recently, I have upgraded my lab 1IM database from 8.0.2 to 8.1 after that I noticed the database going to suspect mode for no reason. 

    I restore the database from my backup however one day after I again found database is in suspect mode. Have…

  • how to connect to admin tools using Active Directory password authentication?


    We are trying to connect to admin tools using "Active Directory Password" authentication and system type used is "SQL Server". Provided below values

    1. UserID : <Active Directory Domain>\<Username>

    2. Password : Password…

  • Database Update to 8.0.2 (QBM FinalizeCustomer failed

    From either version 7.0.3 -> 8.0.2 or from 8.0.0 -> 8.0.2, occasionally the upgrade fails (we have done multiple proof of concept updates) with:

    Processing step 'QBM FinalizeCustomer (wait for post processing customer)' failed.
    at ConfigWizard…