• Business Role owner cannot remove members

    we have around 300 business roles published as assignment resource on IT shop. Currently role owners can only see role information on IT shop.

    However, they annot remove members unlike manager of AD group, where group manager can remove members from…

  • Assign a Business role for managers that have direct reports in multiple locations.

    Hello Experts,

    I am trying to do something within OneIM for our company communications.  So the requirement is we have Location Based Distribution list that i have attached to Location based business role.  We have a Manager at Location A who gets the Location…

  • Few attributes in AD are not getting updated in One IM ADSAccount table


    We are using version 8.0. I have created a sync workflow to read the data from AD and update it in One IM. And object matching rule has ObjectGUID as primary rule. But few attributes like "Mail" is not getting updated in One IM while other attributes…

  • Service Now Module

    Hi ,

    I'm trying to install new module (SCN) service now in DB as per the below thread. I am using one identity Manager version 8.0.2.


    Error occurs…

  • Change local cache directories for 1IM tools.


    by default 1IM tools save some cache information under the "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Dell\One Identity Manager" directory, like AssemblyCache, Config, etc. Is there any way to customize these paramaters?
    I've tried global.cfg like

    <category name…

  • Clustered index in One Identity?

    Hello everyone,

    I see in the official documentation that I can create new index using the schema extension tool. But I have two questions?

    1. Could this index create directly in the database?
    2. One Identity allow create new Clustered index?

    Thank you…

  • Getting error Write permission denied for value UID_Job while transporting custom processes and scripts


    I am unable to understand why it is throwing this error while transporting custom processes. Can someone please help.

  • ADSAccountinADSGroup entries not getting provisioned to Target System Active Directory

    Hello All,

    We are managing a few AD group memberships in IT Shop. Now for few days our production DB ran into issue so we had to tune our DB and then performanceturned to normal.

    But any group membership requested and approved during that period is now…

  • Changing Hostname of a JobServer in the Designer

    I have a scenario where I have two job servers (one active and one is passive state), both are configured with similar machine roles, both are in different data centers.

    Currently I want to failover my primary job server to the passive one by changing…

  • Could not create a single object for table ADSAccount?

    Hi All,

    I have few process that run on ADSAccount table and whenever that gets run for creating a record in Active directory this process in job queue is being frozen and not successfully executed and the error it throws in "Could not create a single…

  • Write permission denied for value "UID_DialogcolumnQuery"


    We are getting "Write permission denied for value UID_DialogcolumQuery" while importing process, scripts package in version 8.1.1. Can someone please help. Thank you.

  • Active assignment request

    We are facing the same issue 8.0.2 IT shop assignment is not working as expected basically it show for the requester that the product he requested is assigned   (E.x business roles/ other entitlement) user try to use requested product since approvals got…

  • How to export report to xlsx format without having headers again and again


    I want to export the port to XLSX format via process and so I have added the export format parameter as "XLSX" but the report is having headers again and again. How to avoid this?

  • How can we have Active Directory account same privileges as Viadmin user


    We are using version 8.0 and we have a requirement where in we don't want to use system user credentials to log in to the tools and instead we want to use Active Directory account credentials. In order to achieve this, we need to have viadmin privileges…

  • how is the clientId being passed to the token endpoint? Is it in header in Authorization? or as part of Body? or Both?

    In an attempt to get token from SSO.  The oneIdentity does a call to /token endpoint of SSO.
    Usually, the client id and secret is passed either as header or as body
    an example:
    /token HTTP/1.1^M
    Connection: close^M
    Authorization: Basic aXNhbXJwOnhKck…
  • How to change cookie path is IIS 8.5


    We are using version 8.0 of One Identity Manager and we want to change the cookie path of ASP.Net_SessionId cookie in IIS for web portal but could not find that option in IIS. Can someone lease help. Thank you.

  • IT Shop Requests and Delegation for Managers that are either OOO or on leave

    Hello All,

    I have a couple of questions i was hoping to get some ideas/recommendations on.  We are using OneIM 8.0.1.  I am part of the IT Shop Administrator also a member of the Chief Approval Team.  What i am trying to solve for now is if we have a manager…

  • has anyone been able to create bulk useraccounts/Groups in OneIM?

    has anyone been able to create bulk useraccounts in OneIM?  I have been trying to get it right but keep running in to problems when i do data import.  All of your assistance is greatly appreciated.  here are my headers for the data.



  • Using 1IM 6.1.4sp4, need to create a sort of Reference system, removing user data and current domain, keeping all customizations, connecting to a new domain

    Currently using 1IM v6.1.4sp4

    I need to build another environment by creating a Reference System from my current system, keeping all customizations, removing all user data and the current domain.

    Steps taken:

    1 Copied current 1IM DB

    2 Renamed DB

    3  Complete…

  • Change language for Password Web Poratllanguagepassword ppa


    We have a requirement for changing the language of Password Web Portal to some other language that is not English.

    We understand that in Identity Portal the language gets changed according to the language of the logged in User, but how can this…

  • How to display custom pages in different language in web portal


    We are using version 8.0 and we are trying to display web portal in German language. As we changed the language culture of the user, OOTB pages and tiles and menu items, etc got displayed in German but we have created few pages in Web Designer which…

  • IT Shop still showing "InActive" employees.

    Hello All,

    We are having a little issue with InActive employees still showing on Web portal for managers in their direct reports.  I have the parameter set  for "QER\ITShop\AutoCloseInactivePerson"... Is there anything else that i need to do to remove those…

  • Error occurs when job servers are getting updated


    We are working version 8.0 and we are getting error "An item with same key has already been added" when job servers are getting updated by the process "VID_JobServerUpdateCheck" and the error occurs at the step "GetUpdateFiles". Can you please help…

  • Completed requests either do not show or show in Canceled Requests....

    Hello All,

    when a person requests something on IT Shop, if the request was approved and completed it doesn't show in Approved request under request history for that person... There are times it won't show those requests at all or they will end up in…

  • VI_ESS_PWOHelperPWO Send mail new task for approver Failing

    Hello All,

    i have a few jobs under VI_ESS_PWOHelperPWO Send mail new task for approver that are failing to send the email notification.  Below is the error i am getting.

    ErrorMessages = (2019-08-21 14:59:05.247) [810271] Column UID_PersonOrdered does not…