• Getting UIDs of newly created AttestationCases

    Hello Community,

    I'm using the method CreateAttestations in a script with an array of objectkeys as input:

    Dim arrXObjKey As String() = colObjects.Select(Of String)(Function(t) t.GetValue(Of String)("XObjectKey")).ToArraySmart()
    Dim policy As…

  • Get Person object then add a value to a multi-value column in One Identity

    I have a process I need to write that's going to need a VB script. I have a custom multivalue column on the Person object. When the process fires, I want to add a value to the multivalue column. What would the VB Script look like that would grab the Person…

  • Mail Template scripts


    1IM 8.1

    I need get XDateInserted from Department view in Mail Template. 

    I wrote script: 

    Public Function CCC_Department_Get_XDateInserted_1(ByVal dbDepartment As ISingleDbObject) As String
                Dim strLOGFileName = "C:\temp\logs\temp.txt…

  • unable to push the Mailbox marked for deletion.

    Hi Team,

    I am unable to push the Mailbox marked for deletion from Manager(target system sync Exchnage)

    when trying to push getting below error

    error message:

    Error generating processes for event Update.
    Error executing script 'Event_Update'.

  • How to send the right script return value so the reformatted JSON appears correctly?


    I'm having trouble with how my output looks in my data for the script I've created. I've created the script in a way where the output is a String that is precisely aligned to JSON format (using the Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject format). However…

  • "Use transaction" as in-script variable

    When testing the script from Designer it is possible to set "Use transaction". Is it possible to somehow set "Use transaction" inside script i.e. Session.Variables.Put("UseTransaction", True)?

  • Web Portal: Is there a way to execute backend functions or scripts?

    Hello people,

    I was wondering if there is a way to execute backend functions from the Web Portal.

    For Example: let's say I have a function in backend called "CCC_MyFunction" which accepts some parameters and returns some string. Is there a way to retrieve…

  • CreationType difference


    I'm busy with some UnitTesting for OneIdentity. 

    For creating objects you call the function Session.Source().CreateNew(Object, CreationType)

    There are multiple options for the CreationType parameter but I don't know what the difference is between…

  • Error generating process step Call Script VI_UnsAccount_Ident_UNSRoot_Event


    I wrote script for add user to Oracle Database. 

    I created process (Insert Event to UNSAccountB table) for create the user. 

    When I create user in Manager, I got error: 

    Got exception during generation of chain 'VI_UnsAccountB_Generic': Error generating…

  • Creating a new One IM Database via the command Line


        Hoping a quick question, How do you create a new database via the Cli?

    I'm trying to replicate the functions of the ConfigWizard "Create and install database function/feature within a deployment script. I've found information that points…

  • How to generate UID for any table?


    We are trying to insert data in table using script for which we need to generate UID as well as XObjectKey. I tried searching for OOTB system scripts if we can reuse it and generate UID but could not find it. Can you please help? Thank you.

  • Is it possible to securely share variable of any type (e.g. System.Object) between scripts?

    I am trying to securely share variable of any type (e.g. System.Object or SqlConnection) between scripts executed by various processes with ScriptComponent.ScriptExec component?

    Happy to provide more information on actual use cases if this would help…

  • what is the use of "stdioprocessor

    Could you please help me to find the use of a tool called "Stdioprocessor".In our server ,this tool taking much memmory and CPU usage.WHat is the need of it.Help me.

  • How to get value which has type "Double" and the value has 2 or 3 digits after decimal from a database?


    I am using COnnection.GetSingleProperty to read the value of "RiskIndex" from "AERole" table and the risk index is "0.01". Connection.GetSingleProperty as Double returns 0 instead of 0.01. How to handle this?

  • Changing the default shelf where Ad groups are auto-published

    Hello experts,


    We would like to publish our AD Groups in another shelf different from the default one. Version 7.1.2.


    We have tried to edit the script “ADS_AssignADSGroupsToITShop” which, as far as we know, contains the instruction to publish it in…

  • How to Trigger a custom task if any changes happened in any attribute of Person Table

    I have requirement as when any attribute of user updated in person Table via feed file ,i need to trigger custom script in One idm. How can i Achieve this.Please provide a solution.

  • How to apply a attribute Template to all user

    we have created a custom script for creating an attribute in person object. But later we have modified the script ,and i need to apply this script for entire users in One idm.

    How can i do that .Is there any dedicated task for that.Otherwise i need to…

  • issue in Synchronization log

    we have a  situation like ,a user available in AD and but user not available in DELL one idm ADSAccount.So in synchronization log i could an error like " error during execution of "setValues" in logic module VI.DB.Entities.EntityScriptLogic .conversion…

  • How update customer logo in existing reports.

    In Q1IM version 8.0, how to update customer logo instead of existing 1IM logo and also how to update web browser title value?

  • 1IM 8.0 calling scripts with REST does not work

    Hi there,

    I try to make a CCC_someName script  run with REST. I can make a CCC_HelloWorld with 0 parameters run but not one with one or more input parameters.

    This is how it should work:

    And this is what I do:

    The logfile always tell me the number of…

  • Quick Connect - Add text prefix to a synchronized attribute

    I'm trying synchronize the "mail" attribute from a source AD to "msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress" in the target AD.  This works fine, however I would like to write a prefix of "sip:" to the synchronized value (e.g: "first.last…

  • Can I start synchronization from a script?

    I have a business requirement to start a synchronization ad hoc, via a REST call.   I can start a script remotely, through REST, so I just need a script that will start my sync project workflow.

    I can't find a way to start a sync workflow directly, so I…

  • Available scripts and objects in synchronization engine mapping scripts

     I am not finding any documentation that discusses the available scripts, objects, and functions that are able to be referenced from within a synchronization engine mapping script.  I would like to be able to reference the custom schema type (filter), the…

  • Query in script library to get a list of users getting an error



    I'm trying to write a query in a script library to get a number of accounts in ADSAccountInADSGroupTotal that are members of a certain group. Then have a top(nn) clause to limit the number for moving them to another group.


    I am using this:

  • Add ADSAccount or ADSGroup to categories based on template


    Version: OIM 7.1

    So I have successfully tested AD user account creation against account definitions, and have assigned these account definitions to categories that match specific groups, and everything functions as expected..

    One thing that I find…