• Previous Website Configurations Missing

    Over the weekend of the 7th through the 10th, we lost all of the customization on the website buttons, forms, etc. Everything went back to their default names and settings and we seemingly had to recreate everything manually. Is there any location to…

  • Check consistency error generate by a script

    Hello everyone,

    i have an issue with the script below :

    Dim f As ISqlFormatter = Connection.SqlFormatter
    Dim whereClause_AccProductGroup As String
    Dim whereClause_ITShopOrg As String
    Dim whereClause_PWODecisionMethod As String

  • Employee Manager Role for only Active Employees

    Good afternoon. Tell me, please.
    The following role exists - Base roles\Employee Managers.
    It is necessary that this role is displayed only for working employees.
    The following problem arose. When an employee quits, his manager is displayed in the manager…

  • Banner sync is taking a lot of time to execute. How to reduce the time of execution of the sync?


    I have configured a Banner view sync in one identity manager v.8.1.4. The target is a view from Oracle Database and we are updating/inserting the records into Person table in One identity manager. 

    We also have the revision set and the workflow in…

  • HRIS User Attribute and AD Group Mapping?

    Hello – we are currently running OneIM 8.1.3 and have our HRIS system successfully sending user data into our DB and sync’d with Active Directory.  We recently ran across a use case that requires that; A User from our HRIS system with a Sub…

  • Disaster recovery for One Identity manager Product


    Please help me to find out how to set the Disaster recovery for One Identity manager Product. I couldn't able to get the information in the One IM documentation.

    Any help would be appreciated.



  • Designer - Fast way to publish web project changes?

    Hello, i'm wondering - is there any solid way to publish my web project changes to web applications without concerns of them not to be published right away?

    How i'm doing it now:

    1. Do some changes, place some visible label with increased version…

  • One Identity Manager Service not available in the windows services after upgrade to 8.0.5

    Hi everyone, I just updated identity manager from 8.0.2 to 8.0.5. Followed below steps:

    1. DB consistency was 100% ok

    2. all schedules were stopped

    3. DB queue was cleared.

    4. Full back of DB was in place

    5. one Identity Manager service was stopped on…

  • Error while assigning SAP roles to the user

    I am getting the below error while trying to assign SAP roles to the user from synchronisation editor. Could someone please suggest am I getting this?

    The system.exception says Bitte ein Initialkennwort angebenwhich which translates to "Please enter an…

  • Web Designer. Upload file and change name with same extension


    1IM 8.1

    On my form I created Upload file node. 

    I need only change name file but save file extension. 

    How I can get the file extension of uploaded file? 

  • WebPortal SSO login issue

    We are using OneIDM 8.1.1 and configured the HTTP Header (role-based) authentication as described in the below URL,


    As per…

  • Suggestion Required to resolve : [1025314] Document (Job server) could not be opened! Error

    Product Version : identity manager 8.0.0

    I am getting below error when I click on Basedata->Installation->Job Server

    [1025314] Document (Job server) could not be opened!
    An item with the same key has already been added.
    at VI.DialogEngine.DialogEngine…

  • Report in a attestation pass parameter to report

    Hello, I built a report and want to attach it to a certain attestations case. I put the report in the attestation procedure. I also setup a specific mail template that states to attach the report. Can anyone tell me what else I need to consider? The report…

  • Domain migration


    We migrated to a new environment from XXX to YYY and for this reason, we lost our AppServer, IdentityManager, and PasswordReset url. 

    Have we have to reinstall all again or could we import any configuration to solve this issue?.

    Please any help will…

  • Mismatch AD versions

    Hi Experts

    Hope  you are doing well. We are using Identity Manager 8.0 and currently our Active directory version in our production environment is below –

    • Forest Functional Level (FFL) 2003
    • Domain Functional Level (DFL) 2008R2
    • OS 2008R2
    • Schema …
  • Is it a big risk if we have different schema version of AD in prod and pre-prod environment

    Hi Experts 

    We are using Identity manager version 8 and We have two AD one for Prod and another for non-prod. Both are align to same schema version that was 47

    However Recently there are some changes and non-prod AD upgraded to schema version of 87. If…

  • How do i add a custom field and map it to HR Feed?

    Hello Experts,

    So i have a need to add a field to identify employees that are considered "REMOTE".  Currently we don't have a way to identify them.  We receive a field in our HR feed that identifies them as 1=Yes, 0=No for remote user.  This…

  • Attestation Collection


    I want to turn on QER\Attestation\MailTemplateIdents\RequestApproverByCollection.

    Is there a way to use this only for Group attestation?

    I have Person Attestations I want to keep as is, so we can have email approval link.

    Not sure if version 8.1…

  • Create new custom forms


    I need to know how to customize forms to registering external employees or edit existing ones.
    Any documentation or tips will be welcoming.

    Could anyone help me?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Import csv - FileNotFoundException

    Hello mates,

    I'm trying to import a csv through "LaunchPad>CSV Connector > Data import"

    When I go to view the JobQueue the process is "FROZEN" and log gives me the next error:

    [1777292] Error connecting system (CSV Connector…

  • Service account locking on APP Server application pool


    I'm hoping someone can tell me where to look on the appserver for the automatic updates.

    We recently changed the service account password and now it is locking out once a day.

    I found in the event logs its the app pool for the application server…

  • Add field in web portal (version 8.0)

    Hello all,

    I'd need to add some fields from 'Person' table in the 'additional columns' but on the 'Pending Attestations' view in the web portal. (For instance, I'd need to add recipient's email address, among others)…

  • How to clean up IT Shop programmatically


    I ran the publish to IT Shop automatically and did not realize how many group did not have owner.

    I want to remove these from the shop. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to remove products and service items with an owner easily?

    I already changed…

  • Protect from accidental deletion


    Can anyone tell me how I can mark ADSAccount protect from accidental deletion?

    I see this is setup on containers but unable to decipher how this is setup and cannot duplicate it for ADSAccount.

    I know how to extend the schema in ADSAccount and…

  • OneIM migration issues with encryption

    Hi All,

    We are using version 8.0 of OneIM and already have a dev environment but wanted to create another dev env for a different team.

    As we are in Azure we cloned the entire VM and deployed it successfully, we followed the steps for database migration…