• New user attestation approval flow advice OIM 8.0.1

    Hey all,

    So in a scenario where business units across the enterprise have differing hierarchies, I was wondering what your thoughts would be on handling the following.

    1. New person is inserted

      1. Person has direct manager
        1. New user attestation sent to the…
  • Use of history db.

    We are able to setup history DB and able to export and import data. I can see Job history, process info etc exported and imported to HDB. I have below quires.


    1. How can we generate reports on HDB what data is imported and when or what exported from current…
  • Needed permissions for Password Capture Agent (PCA) service

    Hello everybody,

    I am currently installing the PCA in a customer environment and I'm looking for what exact permissions the service account needs for the PCA service.

    The PCA configuration guide only speaks of "priviledged access rights". Has any…

  • ITShop Search Error: System.AggregateException: The operation has timed out (Version 8.0.1)

    Hey Folks,


    So after installing the application server and ITShop portal, I am having an issue with the search feature. Whenever I attempt to search for any item in either the top bar or within a new request I get the following:

    When I interrogate the…

  • [810143] Database error 515: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Queue', table 'IAM8.dbo.JobQueue'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    I get this error when trying to commit a change.

    The "change" is just adding the server function "active directory connector" to a job server under base data > edit job server


    any help?

  • Error in Integrating Password reset portal to Web Portal

    Hi ,

    I am using Identity Manager v8.

    I have configured " Employee(Role Based)" as authentication module in my web portal and want to integrate it to Password Reset Portal. I have installed Password reset portal and it is working fine if we directly access…

  • Full object replace for the PowerShell connector

    When integrating with a system via the PowerShell connector, is there an option to configure "Object Replace" where the entire object is sent to configured custom commands rather than just the properties that have been modified?