• Multivalue request property for service item in IT Shop


    I have a request property with 4 parameters, but one of these needs to be multivalue. So, I'd like that the user in the web portal can select a service item and he can selects multiple values for that parameter,

    In the parameter of the request…

  • Product visibility based on the role assigned to user

    Hello All,

    We are using One Identity Manager 9.2 version and use new Angular Web Portal.

    We are looking for the options to restrict the visibility of the certain products based on the specific roles assigned to identity. To explain in detail, below is…

  • Request Property field issue


    I am having an issue with the request property:

    The request is from the personwantsorg table, and I want to calculate the dynamic fields in the parameter query using "%", for example, UID_Person = '%UID_PersonOrdered%'.

    This works…

  • custom process: no approver available for attestation


    If there is something that needs to be approved, but no approver is available, the system will abort the task with the reason "#LDS#Automatic system approval: No approver available.|".

    This is true for IT Shop requests and attestation cases…

  • Request IT Shop item for people not in the shop with new Web Portal

    Hi everyone,

    I am using One Identity Manager On Demand v.9.2 with the new Web Portal.

    We need to allow some HR employees to request an item for all the users who do not have access to the IT Shop. If I remember correctly, this was possible with the old…

  • Run a attestation in the new IT Shop/Web Portal


    how can I run a specific Atttestation case. In our case it's about creating a identity. When we create the identity and press the save button, I also want to run our specific attestation

    Thank you


  • ITShopCart - check for duplicates for QERReuse and QERReuseUS


    when ordering standard products (roles, groups etc), there's customizer check if there are duplicates in shopping cart. For obvious reasons it doesn't check for duplicates when ordering Multirequest resources. Is there any way to enforce duplicate…

  • IT Shop Dependencies in the new web portal


    I'm trying to solve the same problem as "">www.oneidentity.com/.../dependencies-in-the-it-shop", but the new portal is giving me trouble and the flag is not resolving the issue. (Request configuration / Allow requests with missing…

  • IT Shop - Require same system entitlements for multiple applications

    Hi guys,

    I need to create different applications into Web Portal and I have to assign to them the same system entitlements (type Active Directory):

    Application 1 - entitlement x, entitlement y

    Application 2 - entitlement x, entitlement y

    Application 3…

  • v8.2.1: Too much resources used on IIS pool: sessions (user not logged in) is spiking

    We see the following IIS Server behavior:

    • After restarting the IIS server the number of “User account: (User is not logged in); started at: xxxxxxxxxxx” – sessions is building up to 80-90 sessions. Netstat registers 9 IP connections with port 443. …
  • Attestation properties are not displayed as configured in web portal attestation case details

    Hello experts.

    I have a question regarding an attestation case. We created a custom attestation procedure where we have to display the values for an attestor to approve or deny a new value of a certain attribute.

    However when the attestation case is generated…

  • Block/reserve a IT Shop request


    We have a usecase to implement that a approver of a IT shop request can able to reserve/block the IT shop request so that other approvers cannot approve it until it is released by the approver who reserved it? It would be really helpful for us if…

  • Attestation of requests

    We are going to start using attestation, and to begin with, we would like to only attest requests, and only make the manager approve/deny. Looking at the predefined attestation procedures, you have to choose system roles, entitlements, business roles…

  • SOD rule

    We have two roles available on IT Shop:

    - Business Role A 

    - Business Role B

    How to create an SOD which prevents user to submit request if the user is not member of both A & B roles ?

  • How to replace the default ITShop Requests report for a customized one?

    We are trying to make a quatitative reports of how many requests were approved by department?

  • Role Membership Product

    The client has discovered a user who has been assigned three business roles that are not available in the IT Shop. However, these assignments resemble active assignment requests. Does anyone have any insights into what might be happening here?

    While conducting…

  • IT-Shop - authentication with AD UPN

    version 8.2

    We have setup an IT-Shop with Active Directory user account as primary Authentication module and Active Directory user account (manual input/role based) as secondary.

    This makes it possible to login with the Loign name (pre Win2000) (=SAMAccountName…

  • How get the property value in Restrict Property to be read-only?

    I'm using single property in Web Portal but I couldn't get value of single property, how can I do that?

  • How can I change the login page error message?

    I need to change the error message on the login page, but I looked in the VI_Common_Login Web Designer component and I didn't find any message that I could change, I just found container5 - Error/message that just change the message display style to a…

  • Request Property and data from PersonInDepartment

    Hi all,

    I am trying to solve the following use case:
    An Employee is associated with several Departments through PersonInDepartment. When the Employee is ordering a product from ITShop, they should be able to select one of their Departments in a drop down…

  • Application roles and web portal


    Just upgraded our production environment to 9.1 and I am now adjusting the settings for the new angular web portal.

    I want to limit access to the portal to only employees in our IT-department, is there a way to do that?


  • Requirement to have more than one manager at a time, for a system role in Identity Manager

    How can we have more than one Manager at a time, for a system role in Identity Manager?

    We have a requirement where a role's membership can be managed from IT Shop by more than one individua at a time.

    I can see only a system role manager can view…

  • Error in IT Shop search

    Hello group!!

    Today all the searches in the IT Shop throws an Exception.

    If I click in every search button the following error appears:

    "The service connection could not be created. Check the connection information for AutoUpdateUserAuth, or reinstall…
  • Create external user with ITSHOP

    Hi All,
    How to create an item in ITSHOP to create an external user?
    Has anyone created this item?
  • Dynamic IT Shop approval workflow levels


    Was wondering if I could get some suggestions or best practices for this customization.  

    First, let me describe the scenario.  Customer wants to make requestable, hundreds of roles which belong to hundreds of applications.  Applications will be defined…