• Does Key Resolution by reference work with XObjectKey?


    We are planning to provide an application with information from the One-IM database.
    Here we have created a custom table - including with a column CCC_DepartmentX, which contains the XObjectKey of the department. 

    Since it is an MSSQL database, we…

  • "Local change watching failed to load DgeDriver" after deploying an Agent on to Windows Server 2019

    Hi All,

    I have an issue with the following error after deployment of the agent on to Windows Server 2016:

    • 2020-09-29 14:32:08.033 [5][ERROR][TryLoadFilter(0)] Local change watching failed to load DgeDriver. Error: 0x80070241. 
    • 2020-09-29 14:32:08.049 [5][ERROR][CreateWatcher…