• Report to show delegations

    I am  a novice in OneID, but have what may be a simple question: Is there a report that can show the history of delegations during an attestation run?

    EXAMPLE: There is an attestation run from 6/1/24 - 6/10/24.

    During that attestation run, admins had…

  • How to insert a quantitative report created in the Report Editor to be viewed within the portal?


    I created a quantitative report within the Report Editor, I would like to view it through the Web Portal, I created this report based on "VI_ITShop_Orders", customizing the search parameters, is there any way to do this?

    When trying to…

  • Report in a attestation pass parameter to report

    Hello, I built a report and want to attach it to a certain attestations case. I put the report in the attestation procedure. I also setup a specific mail template that states to attach the report. Can anyone tell me what else I need to consider? The report…